释义 |
口吻1. note2. tone口吻 kọ̌uwěn1) muzzle; snout2) lips3) tone of voice; note (revealing attitude)口吻kǒuwěntone of voiceconnotation in intonationaccent (regional etc)snoutmuzzlelipsprotruding portion of an animal's face口吻哺乳动物的口鼻部;犬、马等的口鼻部【动】snout; muzzle参见:口气以安慰的口吻说 say in a comforting tone作者借书中主人公的口吻说出自己的想法。 The writer used the main character to express their own ideas.口吻 kǒu wěn (鱼、狗等头部向前突出的部分) muzzle; snout (口气) tone; note: 采取威胁的口吻 assume a threatening tone; 开玩笑的口吻 jocular tone; 责备的口吻 a note of reproach; 你那命令式的口吻激怒了他。 Your commanding tone irritated him. 口吻 [kou3wen3], n., tone of speech (rather than the words actually said) revealing state of thinking.口吻n.strain笔调;口吻,语气;情调;格调snout(动物的)口鼻部,口吻;(昆虫的)喙口吻1. a tone of speech; a turn of expression口吻1.动muzzle; snout2. tone; note♦ 玩笑的~ jocular tone♦ 以教训人的~ in a lecturing tone英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞CORNER |