

单词 变迁
释义 文馨英漢☞變遷变迁 biànqiānvicissitudes; changes历史变迁 historical changes变迁biànqiānchangesvicissitudes变迁change划时代的变迁 epochal change历史性的变迁 historical change人事变迁 vicissitudes of human affairs环境的变迁 environmental change变迁 biàn qiān transition; changes; vicissitudes; change in trends or conditions:  时世变迁 the changes of the times;  煤乡的变迁 changes in a coal-mining district;  大自然的变迁 the gradual changes of nature;  各种语言的语音总在不断变迁。 The speech sounds of all languages are gradually but constantly changing. 变迁a.transitive过渡的;转变的,变迁的n.transition过渡,过渡时期;转变,变迁,变革transit转变,变迁;(尤指从今生到来世的)过渡vicissitude[vicissitudes] 世事变化,变迁whirligig循环;轮回;变迁vi.WAG〈古〉(时势等)推移,变迁phr.chop and change变化;变迁变迁1. a change; a transition变迁transition变迁change双向☞渡过--转变--变迁双向☞转变--变迁--过渡双向☞过渡--转变--变迁双向☞过渡--变迁变迁changes; vicissitudes♦ 人事~ the vicissitudes of life♦ 时代~ the changes of the times




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