

单词 受欢迎
释义 受欢迎 shòu huānyíngbe well received; be well liked; go down well受欢迎shòuhuānyíngpopularwell-received受欢迎 shòu huān yíng be well received; be well liked; go down well with:  这位新教师不很受学生们欢迎。 The new teacher doesn't go down well with the pupils. 受欢迎a.large〈美俚〉受欢迎的,能吸引观众的;时髦的;成功的welcome受欢迎的;令人愉快(或感激)的acceptable合意的,令人满意的;受欢迎的grateful令人快意的,令人舒适的,受欢迎的;使人感激的selling得人心的,受欢迎的;令人向往的sought-after受欢迎的,很吃香的,竞相罗致的merciful(因结束痛苦等而)受欢迎的,不幸之中算幸运的palatable合意的,受欢迎的box-office票房的;叫座的,受欢迎的recommendatory讨人喜欢的,受欢迎的vi.take(作品、演员等)受欢迎;施展魅力rate〈口〉受欢迎,受推崇vt.recommend使成为可取,使受欢迎phr.in request为人们所需要,受欢迎in good odour名声好;得宠,受欢迎gain acceptance被接受(或承认);受欢迎受欢迎1. to go over; to be popular among; to be popular with; to win acceptance; to be well received; to be well liked; to go down well with




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