

单词 取胜
释义 文馨英漢☞取勝取胜 qǔshèngscore a success他侥幸取胜。 He scored the success by sheer luck.取胜qǔshèngto score a victoryto prevail over one's opponents取胜to achieve success以计谋取胜 succeed with trickery取胜 qǔ shèng win victory; score a success; victoriousness:  侥幸取胜 gain a victory by sheer luck;  以多取胜 win victory through numerical superiority;  以 3 比 2取胜 win by a score of 3 to 2 ;  以智取胜 win victory by strategy 取胜vi.overcome取胜Max取胜;尽最大努力取胜1. to win victory; to score a success取胜win victory; score a success♦ 以多~ win victory through numerical superiority




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