

单词 发软
释义 发软 fāruǎn1) become soft/weak2) become limp/flaccid发软fāruǎnto weakento go soft (at the knees)发软变软to go soft饼干受潮发软了。 The biscuits have gone soft in the damp.无力to go weak浑身发软 feel weak all over累得浑身发软 be so tired as to feel weak all over吓得两腿发软 so scared one's legs turn to jelly发软 fā ruǎn (软弱无力) become limp; become flaccid (柔软) become soft:  加热使它发软。 Apply heat to soften it. 发软1. to become limp; to become flaccid2. to become soft




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