betatron mechanism
betatron mechanismβ回旋加速机制betatron mechanismβ迴旋加速機制地球科學名詞—太空
throw sheep's eyes at
throw shock machine
throw ... sideways
throw slurs at ...
throw someone a curve
throw someone a rope
throw (someone) for a loss
throw someone for a loss
throw someone in a flutter
throw someone into a flutter
throw someone into confusion
throw someone off his balance
throw someone off his guard
throw someone off the trail
throw someone out on his ear
throw someone over the bridge
throw someone to the wolves
throw something in someone's face
throw something in someone's lap
throw something in someone's teeth
throw something in someone's way
throw something into relief
throw something into someone's lap
throw something to the dogs
throw [sth] back in [sb]'s face
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更新时间:2025/1/7 1:19:49