

单词 发花
释义 发花 fāhuāgrow dim (of eyes); see things in a blur发花to see things in a blur累得两眼发花 vision blurred by tiredness眼前发花 blur before one's eyes发花 fā huā grow dim (hazy; misty); see things in a blur; be dazzled:  灯光太亮, 使我眼睛发花。 The strong light dazzled me.  我太累了, 眼睛有点发花。 I was so tired that my eyesight grew dim (hazy). 发花[fā huā]眼睛看东西模糊不清 (of one's eyes) blurred:饿得两眼发花。I was so hungry that I couldn't see straight.发花1. to grow dim; to see things in a blur发花(of the eyes) grow dim; see things in a blur




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