

单词 发白
释义 文馨英漢☞發白发白 fābái1) fade (in color)2) lighten (in sky)3) turn white/pale发白fābáito turn paleto lose colorto go white发白to look white脸色发白 go pale头发发白 get grey hair东方发白。 The sun is rising in the east.在月光下可以看到远处有一个发白的东西。 In the moonlight, one could see something shining in the far distance.花布的颜色洗得发白了。 The colour of the cloth has washed out.发白 fā bái  turn (become; grow) white; turn pale (whitish):  气得脸都发白了 turn pale with anger;  外边天已经发白了。 Outside it was getting light.  这褂子已洗得发白了。 The coat has turned whitish from much washing.  achromachia; {塑} clouding发白a.candescent热得发光的;(加热到)发白的,白炽的candent热得发光的;(加热到)发白的,白炽的n.hoar发白;灰白;(灰)白色表面发白1. to become white; to turn pale whitish




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