

单词 发烧
释义 文馨英漢☞發燒发烧 fāshāoI v.o.1) have a fever/temperature他在发高烧。 He's running a high fever.2) be fascinated (with sb./sth.)II attr.fascinating; fascinated发烧fāshāoto have a high temperature (from illness)to have a fever发烧体温增高to have a fever他今天发烧。 He's got a fever today.发炎to be inflamed伤口发烧。 The wound is inflamed.发烧 fā shāo  have (run) a fever; have (run) a temperature; fire; heat; temperature; fever:  发高烧, 说胡话 run a high fever and talk deliriously;  他一连三天都在发烧。 He had (ran) a temperature for three days.  她有一点发烧。 She had a slight fever.  pyret-; pyreto-发烧[fā shāo]体温增高。人的正常体温是37℃左右,如超过37.5℃,就是发烧,是疾病的一种症状。have or run a temperature or fever; symptom of a disease when one's body temperature exceeds 37.5℃, while the normal temperature is around 37℃; 亦 also 发热 fā∥rè发烧a.fiery红肿的,发炎的;发烧的;火红的,血红的feverish有热病症状的;发热的,发烧的fevered发热的,发烧的n.fire剧痛;发烧;发炎heat体温;发烧,热度temperature〈口〉热度,发烧fever发热,发烧;热度(使)发烧,(使)患热病hectic红晕;发烧vi.burn发热,发烧;发光,发亮发烧1. to be under an attack of fever; to get (or have, run) a temperature双向☞[发]热--体温上升--热病双向☞发烧--〔发〕热--体温上升双向☞发热--体热过高--发烧双向☞热--发热--发烧双向☞发热--发烧发烧have (or run) a fever; have (or run) a temperature~友 fan; audiophile




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