

单词 发明
释义 文馨英漢☞發明发明 fāmíngI v.1) invent2) wr. expoundII n.invention发明fāmíngto inventan inventionCL:个[gè]发明创造to invent发明新机器 to invent a new machine发明一种新方法 invent a new method新发明的农具 newly invented farm tools火药是中国发明的。 China invented gunpowder.所发明的事物invention新发明 new invention技术上的发明 technological invention享有专利的发明 patented invention四大发明 the Four Great Inventions of ancient China发明证书 certificate of invention<书>参见:发挥发明 fā míng (创造) invent:  印刷术是中国首先发明的。 Printing was first invented by the Chinese. (创造出的新事物或新方法) invention:  最新发明 the latest invention;  需要乃发明之母。 Necessity is the mother of invention.  印刷术的发明有助于知识的传播。 The invention of printing helped the diffusion of learning.  (书) (创造性地阐发) expound 发明构思 inventive concept; 发明家 inventor; 发明奖励条例 Regulations on Awards for Inventions; 发明权 inventor's patent right; 发明人 inventor; 发明一等奖 first-class invention award; 发明专利 patent of invention; inventive patent发明[fā míng]1.创造(新的事物或方法) invent (new things or methods):发明指南针 invent the compass火药是中国最早发明的。Gunpowder was first invented by the Chinese. 2.创造出的新事物或新方法 newly invented things or methods:新发明 new invention四大发明 four major inventions (the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing) 3.〈书 fml.〉创造性地阐发 expound; set forth a theme; develop (an idea, theme, etc.); 同 same as 发挥 fāhuī ②:发明文义 expound the theme of an article本书对《老子》的哲理颇多发明。This book expounds in detail the philosophy of Laozi.发明a.inventive发明的,创造的n.device〈古〉设计,发明;设计(或发明)才能baby(某人或某团体的) 主意;发明;成就;职责concept发明,创造;(体现设计思想的)样品invention发明,创造;创始;创作〈古〉找到;遇到;发明contrivance发明;设计;人工化痕迹devisal设计;发明;策划excogitation设计;发明;探索vi.invent发明,创造;首创;创作devise设计;发明;策划vt.father创立;制订(计划等);创作;发明;培养COIN发明;创造,杜撰(新字等)invent发明,创造;首创;创作originate创始,开创;发明;创作devise设计;发明;策划;想出contrive发明;设计;想出;造出excogitate想出;设计出;发明invenit〈拉〉(某人)发明,(某人)设计 (= he invented it 或 she invented it)发明1. to invent; to devise发明invention双向☞创造--设计方案--[机械]设备双向☞创造--设计--发明双向☞工具--发明--创造双向☞设计--发明--设法双向☞创造--发明发明1. invent♦ 印刷术是中国首先~的。 Printing was first invented by the Chinese.2. invention♦ 最新~ the latest invention3. 书 expound♦ 本书对《老子》的哲理颇多~。 This book does much to expound the philosophy of the Lao Zi.




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