

单词 发抖
释义 文馨英漢☞發抖发抖 fādǒushiver; shake; quiver; tremble他怕得发抖。 He was trembling with fear.发抖fādǒuto trembleto shaketo shiver发抖to tremble两腿发抖 have shaking legs索索发抖 quiver and shake使人发抖 make one tremble声音发抖 have a trembling voice冻得浑身发抖 entire body shivering with cold发抖 fā dǒu shiver; shake; quiver; tremble:  冷得发抖 shiver with cold;  吓得发抖 tremble with fear; shake in one's shoes;  听了这话,他气得发抖。 Hearing the words, he trembled with anger. 发抖者 trembler发抖[fā dǒu] 由于害怕、生气或受到寒冷等原因而身体颤动 tremble; shake; shiver (with fear, anger or cold, etc.):吓得发抖 tremble with fear; shake in one's shoes冻得浑身发抖 shiver all over with cold发抖a.niddle-noddle(打盹时)点着头的;发抖的;动摇的trembling发抖的,战栗的,哆嗦的;震颤的shivery发抖的,颤抖的;战栗的trembly〈口〉发抖的,战栗的,哆嗦的atremble[一般作表语]发抖的;颤抖的ad.atremble发抖地,颤抖地n.tremble颤抖,发抖,战栗,哆嗦shiver发抖,颤抖;战栗shivering发抖,颤抖;战栗vi.Rock前俯后仰;(由于震惊等而)发抖;〈喻〉激动shake发抖,颤抖flutter颤动;(激动得)发抖shudder(机器、车辆等)突然震动,颤动;(人)打颤,战栗,发抖quiver颤抖,发抖dither战栗;颤动;发抖dingle发抖vt.shake使发抖,使颤动phr.all of a shake发抖的,哆嗦的发抖1. to shiver; to shake; to shudder国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞颤栗--发抖发抖shiver; shake; tremble♦ 冷得~ shiver (or shake) with cold♦ 吓得~ tremble with fear; shake in one's shoes♦ 气得~ tremble with anger




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