

单词 发急
释义 文馨英漢☞發急发急 fājíbecome impatient; chafe发急fājíto fretto get impatientto become anxious发急激动;不安to be impatient; to be uneasy他还不来,让人等得发急。 He still hasn't arrived, and I'm getting impatient.发急 fā jí become impatient:  等得发急 waiting impatiently 发急[fā jí] 着急 become impatient or anxious; lose patience:他还不来,让人等得发急。He still hasn't arrived, and the waiting makes everybody impatient.发急1. to grow impatient; to become nervous发急become impatient or excited♦ 等得~ wait impatiently♦ 他一输棋, 就会~。 Every time he lost a game of chess, he got excited.




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