

单词 发射
释义 文馨英漢☞發射发射 fāshè1) launch; project; discharge; shoot2) phy. transmit; emit发射fāshèto shoot (a projectile)to fire (a rocket)to launchto emit (a particle)to dischargeemanationemission发射射出枪弹等;射出火箭、卫星等to shoot; to launch发射炮弹 fire a shell发射火箭 launch a rocket发射人造卫星 launch a satellite发射导弹 launch a missile发射设备 transmitting equipment【理】to emit电子发射 electron emission发射光谱 emission spectrum光电发射 photoemission电视发射 television emission发射常数 emission constant发射功率 transmitting power发射 fā shè (射出) launch; radiate; project; discharge; loft; fire; transmission; emission; sending; transmitting; shooting; launching; rocketeer; radiation; liftoff; shot; takeoff; blast-off; primary release; projection; extraction; shoot:  发射炮弹 fire shells;  这颗卫星是装在火箭上发射的。 The satellite was launched in a rocket.  {物} transmit; emit 发射按钮 {电} firing button; 发射班 pad crew; 发射保密 emission security; 发射本领 emissive power; 发射波 transmitting wave; 发射波形 transmitted waveform; 发射材料 emitting material; 发射常数 emission constant; 发射程序 launching procedure; 发射程序表 countdown profile; 发射导弹 launch a guided missile; 发射导轨 shoe; 发射点 firing point; 发射电极 emission electrode; 发射电流 emission current; 发射电流密度 emission current density; 发射电流响应 transmitting current response; 发射电路 radiating circuit; 发射电压响应 transmitting voltage response; 发射电子束 divergent bundle; 发射电子物质 electron-emissive material; 发射度 emittance (加速器); 发射飞机 launch plane; 发射分光光度计 emission spectrophotometer; 发射分光计 {光谱} emission spectrometer; 发射分光镜 emission spectroscope; 发射干扰 transmitting interference; interference with transmission; 发射功率 transmitting power; transmitted power; emanating power; 发射功率响应 transmitting power response; 发射管 {电} launch tube; transmitting tube (valve); launching tube; 发射光电管 emission phototube; emission cell; 发射光谱 emission spectrum (ES); 发射光谱测定法 emission spectrometric method; 发射光谱分析 emission spectrographic analysis; 发射光谱学 emission spectroscopy; 发射换能器 transmitting transducer; 发射火箭 rocket launching; 发射火焰光度法 {分化} emission flame photometry; 发射机构 trigger mechanism; 发射架 {军} launcher; 发射角 {航空} angle of departure; launching (emission) angle; 发射-接收 send-receive (SR); 发射结 emitter junction; 发射井 {航空} silo; launching silo; 发射孔径 transmitting aperture; 发射控制 emission control; 发射控制电路 countdown circuit; 发射控制机 launcher control system; 发射离地角 angle of departure; 发射量 {天} emission measure (EM); 发射灵敏度 tarnsmitting sensitivity; 发射脉冲 transmitted pulse; 发射脉冲包络 transmitted pulse envelope; 发射脉冲包线 transmitted pulse envelope; 发射脉冲压缩 transmit-pulse suppression; 发射脉冲抑制 transmit-pulse suppression; 发射密度 emission density; 发射面 surface of emission; emission surface; 发射模拟 launching simulation; 发射模拟器 launch simulator; 发射能力 emissivities; 发射偏斜 {讯} squit; 发射频带响应 transmitting band response; 发射频率 transmitting frequency; 发射平面 plane of departure; 发射平行光学 transmitter collimating optics; 发射坪 {航空} launch (launching) pad; 发射谱 emission spectra; 发射谱线 {光} spectral line of emission; emission line; 发射强度 emissive power; 发射热 {电子} heat of emission; 发射人员训练导弹 launching-crew-training missile; 发射摄谱仪 emission spectrograph; 发射时间 launch time; T-time; time to go; 发射时限 window; launch window; 发射试验 emission test; launching test; 发射竖井 vertical firing shaft; 发射数据 emit data; 发射速度 emission rate; rate of fire; launching rate; 发射塔 launching shoe; launching tower; 发射探针 emitting probe; 发射逃逸系统 launch escape system; 发射特性 {电子} emission characteristics; 发射特性曲线 emission characteristic curve; 发射体 emitter; 发射天线 transmitting antenna; sending antenna; transmitting wire; 发射天线交换器 transmitting antenna exchanger; 发射筒盖 launch tube closure; 发射稳定性 launch stability; 发射系数 emission ratio; 发射系统 emission system; 发射线 line of departure; 发射线星 emission line stars; 发射箱 {电工} firing box; 发射响应 transmitting response; 发射效率 emission efficiency; 发射斜轨致动装置 ramp actuator; 发射星云 emission nebula; 发射星云气 emission nebulosity; 发射阴极 emitting cathode; 发射域 emit field; 发射元件 radiated element; transmitting element; 发射噪声 shot noise; 发射增益 transmitting gain; 发射者 bolter (箭等的); 发射振荡变压器 transmitting jigger; 发射阵地 firing position; 发射制导 launching guidance; 发射中心 launching centre; 发射中缀 launch abort; 发射中子 given-off neutron; 发射装置 launcher; 发射准备完毕 {航} {军} on the way; 发射准确度 accuracy of fire; (火箭) 发射最佳时间 launch window发射[fā shè]射出(枪弹、炮弹、火箭、电波、人造卫星等)discharge; shoot; fire (a bullet); transmit (electric waves); launch (a man-made satellite, rocket, etc.)发射a.emanative发出的,散发的,发射的ballistic弹道(学)的;射弹(运动)的;发射的emissive发射的,用来发射的n.launch[常作定语](船的)下水;发射;发行;投放市场shoot射击;射击比赛;一轮射击比赛;发射;〈美〉(试验性的)导弹(或火箭等)发射;【军】(尤指防空训练中的)轰炸shot射击;开枪;开炮;射箭;(火箭、导弹等的)发射;射击声loose(箭等的)发射transmission(无线电、电视等的)播送,发射,发送;(无线电发射台和接收台之间的)传输shooting发射;射击;射杀;枪杀(事件)discharge(枪、炮的)发射;爆炸;发射物(如子弹、炮弹、导弹等)projection投掷,发射;喷射takeoff(飞机、鸟等的)起飞;起跳(点);(火箭等的)发射evaporation(中子、电子等的)放射,发射launching发射;发射起飞sending发送;派遣;【电信】发送,发射emanation发出,散发,发射liftoff(火箭、直升机等的)起飞;发射blastoff(火箭、导弹、宇宙飞船等的)发射;发射所需的推动力vi.play(不停地或反复地)发射(或喷射、照射)throw投,掷,抛,扔;发射;喷射;投射lift(飞机、火箭等)起飞;发射 (off)discharge(枪、炮等)发射;爆炸emanate(气体等)散发,(光等)发射 (from)vt.play(不停地或反复地)发射(或喷射、照射)put投掷,推(铅球);发射project投掷,发射;喷射send发射;掷,投;打出(一拳)speed快速传送;发射launch发射;发射…上天;投射;投出shoot发射,放射;射出(光线等)throw发射;喷射;投射(光线、 阴影等)trigger扣扳机开(枪等);触发;使爆炸;发射loose发射(箭、子弹等);投(镖);开(枪等)discharge击发(枪、炮等);使爆炸;发射emit发出,射出,散发(光、热、电波、声音、液体、气味等);发射(电子)utter发射,喷射LOFT发射(人造卫星等)dart投掷,发射poop开(枪、炮),发射expel排出;喷出(空气等);发射(子弹等)evaporate放射,发射(中子、电子等)radiate发射(光、热等)hurl发射(导弹等)whirl使沿着曲线(或轨道)运动;发射(导弹等)eradiate发射,放射;辐射emission【电子】(电子的)发射,放射;电子流phr.fire in the belly开(炮等);发射(火箭等)shoot off发射;使爆炸gamma decay【核】衰变,发射let drive(朝…)打;(对…)发射turn loose〈美〉开始放手使用(枪、炮);发射(子弹等);开火发射1. to shoot (a projectile); to launch (a rocket, space ship)发射emission (EM)发射emanation,EM发射gun firing发射blast-off发射emissions发射emittance发射launching发射emission发射launch发射shoot发射emit双向☞入射--激励--发射双向☞击中--发射--投掷双向☞发射--辐射--分离双向☞发射--辐射--放射双向☞发射--辐射--散热双向☞发送--传热--传递双向☞开始--发射--创办双向☞排出--放射--发射双向☞放出--发射--放射双向☞放射--发射--辐射双向☞注入--喷射--注射双向☞点燃--射击--发射双向☞细粒--发射--射击双向☞蒸发--发射--消散双向☞辐射--发射--发引双向☞辐射--发射--放射双向☞输电--发射--传递双向☞驱弧--逐出--发射双向☞发射--火炮射击双向☞发射--传导双向☞发射--传输双向☞发射--发送双向☞发射--射气双向☞发射--排放双向☞发射--施放双向☞发射--辐射双向☞发送--发射双向☞排放--发射双向☞推进--发射双向☞放射--发射双向☞散粒--发射双向☞末速--发射双向☞点火--发射双向☞着火--发射双向☞辐射--发射发射1. launch; project; discharge; shoot; fire♦ ~导弹 launch a guided missile♦ ~人造卫星 launch a man-made satellite♦ ~炮弹 fire shells2.物transmit; emit~场 launching site~光谱 emission spectrum~架 launcher~井 launching silo~时限 launch window~台 launching stand; launching (or firing) pad




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