

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶文馨☞發文馨☞髮ABCABC★◀▶发 fāI v.1) start; set out; begin2) slang make a fortune; hit the jackpot他今年发了。 He made a fortune this year.3) shoot; emit4) develop; expand5) rise/expand when fermented/soaked (of foodstuffs)6) come/bring into existence7) open up; discover; expose8) become9) show one's feeling10) feel; have a feelingII m.for rounds of ammunition, shells/cartridges/etc.发 fàhair (头发)发fāto send outto show (one's feeling)to issueto developto make a bundle of moneyclassifier for gunshots (rounds)fàhairTaiwan pr. [fa3]发 measure word 颗used for bullets十发子弹 ten bullets打了十发炮弹 fire ten artillery shells v. 送出;发给;分发to send; to give out; to issue发工资 pay wages发信 send a letter发电报 send a telegram印发 print and distribute发号令 issue an order给灾民发赈款 issue disaster relief funds to victims参见:发射[fāshè]发炮 fire artillery一枪不发。 No shots were fired.参见:发泄[fāxiè]火气发到我头上来了 taking one's temper out on me产生;发生to produce; to occur发疟疾 an attack of malaria参见:发表[fābiǎo]参见:发展[fāzhǎn]参见:发家[fājiā]他炒股票发了。 He got rich by dealing on the stock market.参见:发酵[fājiào]面发了。 The dough has risen.浸大to soak发海参 soak dried cucumber参见:发散[fāsàn]挥发 volatilize蒸发 evaporate揭开;流露to reveal揭发 expose发善心 act of kindness显现;散发to appear; to emit发酸 ache感到to feel出现to appear疹子发出来了。 A rash broke out.起程to set off整装待发 be ready to set off开始行动to make a move奋发 roused to action启发to enlighten发 fā 动 (送出; 交付) send out; give out; distribute; deliver; issue:  分(颁)发 give out; distribute;  发电报 send a telegram;  发货 deliver goods;  发传单 distribute leaflets;  发工资 pay out wages;  发信号 give a signal;  发通告 send out public notice;  发奖金 give premium (发射) launch; discharge; shoot; emit:  发炮 discharge a shot from a gun;  百发百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy;  发光发热 emit light and heat (产生; 发生) produce; generate; come (bring) into existence:  发电 generate electricity;  发芽 sprout;  发苞 put forth buds;  旧病复发 have an attack of a recurrent sickness; have a recurrence of an old illness (表达) express; utter:  发命令 give out orders;  有三个同志在会上发了言。 Three comrades spoke at the meeting. (扩大; 开展) expand; develop:  发扬 develop; carry on;  发育 grow; develop (因得财物而兴旺) flourish:  发家 build up a family fortune;  暴发 suddenly become rich or important (食物因发酵或水浸而膨胀) (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when fermented or soaked:  发面 leaven dough;  发豆芽 raise bean sprouts; sprout beans;  面发起来了。 The dough has risen. (放散; 散开) spread out; disperse; diffuse:  挥发 volatilize;  蒸发 evaporate;  发散 diverge (揭露; 打开) expose; open up; discover:  揭发 expose;  开发 open up;  发现 discover; find out;  发掘 excavate; unearth; explore; seek (因变化而显现、散发) become; turn; get into a certain state:  发黄 turn yellow;  发霉 become mildewed;  脸色发白 lose colour; become pale;  肉发臭了。 The meat smells a bit off.; The meat smells bad. (流露感情) show one's feeling:  发笑 laugh;  发脾气 get (become) angry;  发抖 shiver (感到) feel; have a feeling:  发懒 feel lazy;  发热 have a fever;  有点发冷 feel a bit chilly;  嘴里发苦 have a bitter taste in the mouth;  发麻 tingle;  发痒 itch (起程) start; set out:  出发 start off; set out;  朝发夕至 set off in the morning and arrive in the evening;  车船齐发。 All the boats and carts started off at the same time. (开始行动; 引起行动) begin an undertaking; cause to do:  奋发 rouse (exert) oneself 量 (颗, 用于枪弹、炮弹):  一发子弹 a bullet;  上百发炮弹 about one hundred shells 名 (姓氏) a surname:  发根 Fa Gen 另见 fà。 2) 发(髮) fà 名 (头发) hair:  白发 grey (white) hair;  假发 wig; false hair;  金发 blonde (golden) hair; fair hair;  理发 haircut;  毛发 hair (on the human body and head);  银发 silver hair (姓氏) a surname:  发福 Fa Fu 另见 fā。林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞發林语堂☞髮发[fā](ㄈㄚ)(發)1.送出;交付 deliver; dispatch; send out; hand over; turn over:发货 deliver; dispatch goods发稿 distribute news dispatch; (of manuscripts, etc.) go to the press分发 distribute; issue; dispense; hand out印发 print and distribute 2.发射 launch; project; discharge; fire:发炮 fire shells; open fire百发百中 every shot hitting the bull's-eye; shoot with unfailing precision 3.产生;发生 produce; engender; happen; occur; take place:发芽 germinate; sprout发电 generate (electricity or power)发水 flood发病 (of a disease) come on; (of a person) fall ill; be taken ill; come down with (a disease) 4.表达 express; convey; voice:发表 state; announce; issue; deliver; publish; (of newspapers, journals, etc.) carry发布 issue; promulgate; release发誓 vow; pledge; swear; take an oath发言 speak; address; make a statement; deliver a speech; take the floor 5.扩大;开展 enlarge; expand; extend; broaden; develop; launch; promote; carry out:发展 develop; expand; grow; promote发扬 promote; foster; carry on or forward发育 growth; development 6.因得到大量财物而兴旺 flourish through obtaining a great deal of wealth:发家 build up a family fortune暴发户 upstart; nouveau riche他这两年跑买卖可发了。His travelling around doing business over the past two years has made him quite a fortune. 7.食物因发酵或水浸而膨胀 (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when leavened or soaked:面发了。The dough has risen.发海参 soak sea cucumbers in water 8.放散;散开 (of smoke, scent, etc.) diffuse; disperse:发散 (of rays, etc.) diverge; diffuse挥发 volatilize蒸发 evaporate 9.揭露;打开 expose; unmask; unveil; open; unfold; bring to light; lay bare:发现 find; discover揭发 expose; unmask; disclose; lay bare; bring light to发掘 excavate; unearth; dig 10.因变化而显现、散发 become; turn:发黄 turn yellow发潮 become damp; feel damp发臭 stench; stink发酸 turn sour; taste sour 11.流露(感情)reveal (one's feelings):发怒 get angry; flare up; fly into a rage发笑 laugh; burst out laughing发愁 worry; be anxious; become sad 12.感到(多指不愉快的情况 oft. an unpleasant condition)feel; sense:发麻 tingle; feel numb发痒 itch; feel itchy嘴里发苦 have a bitter taste in the mouth 13.起程 set out; start a journey:出发 set off; set out; start (off)整装待发 packed up and ready to go; ready to start朝发夕至 start at dawn and arrive at dusk - a short journey 14.开始行动 start doing sth.:发起 initiate; sponsor奋发 rouse oneself; exert oneself; brace oneself先发制人 pre-empt; gain the initiative by striking first; forestall an opponent, enemy, etc. 15.引起;启发 generate; arouse; stimulate; inspire; enlighten; set off; touch off; bring about:发人深省 provide much food for thought; call for deep thought; prompt sb. to think deeply 16.〈量词 classifier〉颗,用于枪弹、炮弹 [of bullets and shells] round:一发子弹 one bullet上百发炮弹 more than 100 rounds of shells另见 fà发[fà](ㄈㄚˋ)(髮)头发 hair:毛发 hair须发 beard and hair白发 white hair假发 wig; hairpiece理发 have a haircut; have one's hair cut另见 fā相关词组颁发 | 暴发 | 爆发 | 迸发 | 鬓发 | 并发 | 拨发 | 播发 | 勃发 | 阐发 | 出发 | 触发 | 猝发 | 打发 | 大发 | 导发 | 点发 | 多发 | 分发 | 奋发 | 风发 | 复发 | 高发 | 告发 | 毫发 | 核发 | 华发 | 焕发 | 挥发 | 击发 | 激发 | 揭发 | 进发 | 举发 | 开发 | 扣发 | 理发 | 落发 | 毛发 | 美发 | 萌发 | 偶发 | 拍发 | 派发 | 喷发 | 批发 | 启发 | 签发 | 散发 | 沙发 | 缮发 | 生发 | 收发 | 首发 | 抒发 | 胎发 | 烫发 | 头发 | 脱发 | 细发 | 须发 | 削发 | 研发 | 一发 | 益发 | 银发 | 引发 | 印发 | 诱发 | 越发 | 照发 | 征发 | 蒸发 | 转发 | 自发 | 爆发力 | 爆发音 | 出发点 | 挥发油 | 哈里发 | 百发百中 | 爆发变星 | 朝发夕至 | 大发雷霆 | 奋发图强 | 鹤发童颜 | 后发制人 | 结发夫妻 | 怒发冲冠 | 披发左衽 | 先发制人 | 一发千钧 | 擢发难数 | 火力发电 | 借题发挥 | 振聋发聩 | 东窗事发 | 间不容发 | 披头散发 | 千钧一发 | 童颜鹤发 | 一触即发 | 意气风发 | 引而不发 | 整装待发 | 电视发射塔 | 喷气发动机 | 可持续发展 | 牵一发而动全身 | 经济技术开发区发榜 | 发包 | 发报 | 发标 | 发表 | 发兵 | 发病 | 发布 | 发财 | 发车 | 发痴 | 发愁 | 发出 | 发憷 | 发达 | 发呆 | 发单 | 发嗲 | 发电 | 发动 | 发抖 | 发端 | 发凡 | 发放 | 发粉 | 发奋 | 发愤 | 发疯 | 发福 | 发付 | 发绀 | 发糕 | 发稿 | 发还 | 发汗 | 发行 | 发狠 | 发横 | 发花 | 发话 | 发慌 | 发挥 | 发昏 | 发火 | 发急 | 发迹 | 发家 | 发贱 | 发胶 | 发觉 | 发酵 | 发窘 | 发掘 | 发卡 | 发棵 | 发狂 | 发困 | 发蜡 | 发懒 | 发廊 | 发愣 | 发令 | 发落 | 发毛 | 发霉 | 发蒙 | 发面 | 发明 | 发墨 | 发难 | 发蔫 | 发苶 | 发怒 | 发排 | 发胖 | 发配 | 发飘 | 发票 | 发妻 | 发起 | 发情 | 发球 | 发热 | 发轫 | 发散 | 发丧 | 发痧 | 发傻 | 发烧 | 发射 | 发身 | 发生 | 发市 | 发式 | 发事 | 发誓 | 发售 | 发抒 | 发水 | 发送 | 发酸 | 发网 | 发文 | 发问 | 发物 | 发现 | 发祥 | 发笑 | 发泄 | 发型 | 发虚 | 发噱 | 发芽 | 发言 | 发扬 | 发音 | 发引 | 发育 | 发源 | 发愿 | 发运 | 发展 | 发怔 | 发指 | 发作 | 发动机 | 发端词 | 发酵酒 | 发酒疯 | 发刊词 | 发利市 | 发令枪 | 发疟子 | 发脾气 | 发烧友 | 发神经 | 发祥地 | 发言人 | 发洋财 | 发语词 | 发号施令 | 发聋振聩 | 发人深省 | 发扬踔厉 | 发扬光大 | 发纵指示发comb.formtricho-表示“毛”,“发”,“丝”,“像毛发的”: trichology, trichosis, trichogynevt.velarize【语】发(软腭音);使软腭化run发(烧),有(热度)drive【体】猛抽(球),猛击(球);【高尔夫】(从球座)发(球)serve(网球、排球等中)发(球)deal发(纸牌)Ring发(鸣响);以钟声宣告;按铃召唤;(时钟)报出(钟点等)proof〈美〉发(面)breathe【语】发(清音),发(气息音)swear宣(誓);发(誓)articulate【语】发(音)dispense(尤指按照处方)配(药);配(方);发(药)burgeon发(芽);抽(枝)phonate发(音);发(嗓音);发出(语音)发1. to send out2. to show (something in facial expression)\\\\1·hair发Hairs of the head发Capilli双向☞毛--发发[fā]动1. send out; issue; emit; give forth; shoot♦ ~电报 send a telegram♦ ~传单 distribute leaflets♦ ~命令 issue an order♦ ~信号 give a signal2. utter; express♦ ~一通议论 speak at length3. come or bring into existence♦ 发电 ♦ 发芽 4. become; come to be♦ 脸色~白 become pale; lose colour♦ 树叶~黄了。 The leaves are turning yellow.♦ 肉~臭了。 The meat smells a bit off. or The meat smells bad.5. (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when leavened or soaked♦ 面~起来了。 The dough has risen.♦ ~海参 puff up dried sea cucumbers (by soaking them in water)6. develop; expand♦ 发育 7. open up; expose♦ 发掘 8. feel; have a feeling♦ 嘴里~苦 have a bitter taste in the mouth♦ ~麻 tingle♦ ~痒 itch9. start; set out♦ 车船齐~。 All the boats and carts set out at the same time.量(for bullets and shells)♦ 一~炮弹 one shell♦ 两百~子弹 two hundred rounds of ammunition; two hundred cartridges另见 fà发1. start; launch♦ ~机器 start a machine; set a machine going♦ ~战争 launch (or unleash) a war2. call into action; mobilize; arouse♦ ~群众 arouse the masses to action; mobilize the masses发[fà]名hair♦ 白~ white hair另见 fā




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