

单词 反诘
释义 反诘 fǎnjiéI v.1) counter with a question2) rebut; refuteII n.rebuttal反诘fǎnjiéto ask (a question) in replyto answer a question with a questionrhetorical question反诘to ask as a retort反诘 fǎn jí demand in return; cross examine; cross examination; ask in retort; counter with a question 2) 反诘 fǎn jié ask in retort; counter with a question林语堂当代汉英繁简☞反詰反诘[fǎn jié] 反问 ask back; counter with a question反诘1. to ask in retort; to counter with a question反诘ask in retort; counter with a question




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