

单词 反省
释义 反省1. to introspect反省 fạ̌nxǐngengage in introspection; soul-searching你好好反省一下 Examine yourself thoroughly.反省fǎnxǐngto reflect upon oneselfto examine one's conscienceto question oneselfto search one's soul反省to reflect on oneself反省自己的错误 reflect on one's own mistakes自我反省 soul-searching作反省 reflect on oneself停职反省 be suspended for a period of self-reflection反省 fǎn xǐng reflect on oneself; examine one's own conscience; introspection; self-questioning; self-examination:  停职反省 be relieved of one's duties in order to engage in self-examination and discover one's errors 反省 [fan2xing3], v.i., self-reflection, search oneself for mistakes.反省[fǎn xǐng] 回想自己的思想行动,检查其中的错误 self-examine; reflect on one's thoughts and actions and examine one's mistakes:停职反省 be suspended from one's duties to carry out a self-examination反省a.reflex反省的;内省的introspective(好)内省的,(好)自省的,(好)反省的reflecting深思的;考虑的;反省的self-reflective内省的,反省的reflectional深思的;考虑的;反省的n.reflection深思;考虑;反省introspection内省,自省,反省self-reflection内省,反省retrospection【心】反省vi.think想,思索,思考;反省reflect深思;考虑;反省 (on, upon)introspect内省,自省,反省heart-searching内省(的),反省(的)反省1. to collect one's thoughts; to make a self-examination2. heart-searching3. introspection; reflection双向☞{光波、声波}反射--反思--反射[作用]双向☞反射波--反省--反映双向☞反射--反省双向☞反省--反思反省engage in introspection, self-examination or soul-searching♦ 停职~ be temporarily relieved of one's post for self-examination英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞TO COMMUNE




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