

单词 反比
释义 反比1. inverse ratio反比 fạ̌nbǐinverse proportion/ratio; reciprocal反比fǎnbǐinversely proportionalinverse ratio反比【数】inverse ratio成反比 be inversely proportional反比 fǎn bǐ inverse ratio; reciprocal 反比定理 invertendo; 反比功率继电器 inverse-power relay; 反比关系 inverse relation; inverse proportion反比 (例) [fan2bi3] ([li4]), n., inverse ratio.反比[fǎn bǐ]1.两个事物或一事物的两个方面,一方发生变化,其另一方随之起相反的变化,如老年人随着年龄的增长,体力反而逐渐衰弱,就是反比 inverse ratio. Of two things or two aspects of the same thing, as one changes, the other changes inversely. For example, as a person's age increases, their physical strength declines. 2.把一个比的前项作为后项,后项作为前项,所构成的比和原来的比互为反比。如9:3和3:9互为反比。When exchanging the positions of the antecedent and consequent of a ratio, the resulting ratio is the reverse of the original one, e.g. 9:3 and 3:9.反比1. an inverse ratio; an inverse proportion反比proportion by inversion反比inverse proportion反比reciprocal ratio反比inverse ratio双向☞互易性--交互作用--往复的反比inverse relation; inverse proportion♦ 与…成~ be inversely proportional to...; be in inverse proportion to...




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