

单词 双方
释义 文馨英漢☞雙方双方 shuāngfāngboth sides; two parties他们双方都不想承担责任。 Neither side wants to take the blame.双方shuāngfāngbilateralboth sidesboth parties involved双方both sides缔约双方 both contracting parties双方的利益 interests of both sides双方有利的 beneficial to both sides按照双方协议 according to the bipartite agreement经双方同意 with the agreement of both sides双方 shuāng fāng both sides; the two parties; dyad; mutual:  劳资双方 labour and management;  双方达成停火协议。 The two sides agreed on a cease-fire.  双方处于僵持状态。 The two parties have come to a deadlock.  双方同意这些条件。 Both parties agreed on these terms. 双方合同检验 joint inspection; 双方垄断 bilateral monopoly; 双方贸易条件 terms agreed upon by both sides; 双方协定 mutual agreement双方[shuāng fāng] 在某一件事情上相对的两个人或集体 both sides; two parties; two persons or groups in opposition to each other on some matter:男女双方 both the female and male sides缔约国双方 both signatory states双方a.bilateral双方的,双边的,两方面的pron.both[单独使用,或与 of 接名词或代词连用,或与其他名词或代词并列出现]两者(都);两个(都);双方(都)双方1. both sides; the two parties双方both sides; the two parties♦ 缔约国~both signatory states; the contracting parties♦ ~各执一词。 Each side persisted in its own views.♦ ~同意 by mutual consent




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