单词 | 叉 |
释义 | 叉1. fork2. to fork3. to crossABCABCABCABC★◀▶叉 chǎcoll. the distance between the thumb and the middle finger on an outstretched hand叉 chā1) fork; intersection2) cross; X叉 chàfork; diverge (叉路)叉 cháobstruct; jam up叉chāforkpitchforkprongpickcrossintersect"X"cháto crossbe stuckchǎto divergeto open (as legs)叉 n. 农具;餐具pitchfork; fork木叉 wooden fork鱼叉 harpoon叉形符号cross打个叉 make a cross划个叉勾去 cross out v. 用叉取东西to spear叉着一捆捆的稻子往垛上送。 Fork the bundles of rice into a pile.叉起一片黄瓜 pick up a slice of cucumber with a fork用鱼叉叉鱼 fish with a harpoon叉 chā 名 (用于扎取东西的器具) fork: 餐叉 (table) fork; 干草叉 hayfork; pitchfork; 钢叉 (steel) fork; 鱼叉 harpoon (叉形符号, “×”) cross: 在拼错的词上打一个叉 mark the wrongly spelled word with a cross 动 (用叉取东西) work with a fork; fork: 叉草上垛 fork hay onto a stack; 叉鱼 spear (harpoon) fish 另见 chá; chǎ; chà。 2) 叉 chá 动 (方) (挡住, 卡住) block up; jam: 河道被冰块叉住了。 The river is blocked up with ice. 游行队伍把路口全都叉住了。 Traffic was completely held up by the procession (paraders). 另见 chā; chǎ; chà。 3) 叉 chà (构词成分)见 “劈叉” (pǐ chà)另见 chā; chá; chǎ。 4) 叉 chǎ 动 (分开成叉 (chā) 形) part so as to form a fork; fork: 叉着腿站着 stand with one's legs apart 另见 chā; chá; chà。林语堂林语堂★◀▶叉叉 542B10 32.82 部居 畫數 3ㄔㄚ [cha1] (*ㄔㄚˊ [cha2] , *ㄔㄚˇ [cha3] ).N.([cha1zi0]) A fork, a prong: 刀叉 knife and fork;叉竿,木叉 (also wr. 杈) a pronged stick;鐵叉 an iron prong or poker;火叉子 fire tongs;魚叉子 a fish spear.V.t.(1) To cross: 叉手 [cha1shou3]↓;叉指 to interlace fingers;交叉 to cross (lines, roads);交叉點 crossroads, point of intersection.(2) To pick up with a fork, hold at bay or push as with a fork;用叉叉魚 spear a fish;叉起一塊肉 pick up meat with fork;叉出門外 push (person) out of the gate with both hands.(3) To play mahjong: 叉麻雀 or 麻匠.(4) (*[cha2]) To stick in the throat: 叉在嗓子裡 (bone) sticks in the throat.(5) (*[cha2]) To hook up a railawy car: 叉車 cars stack up and block the road.(6) (*[cha3]) To fork out, branch out in different directions: 叉開 [cha3kai1]↓;叉牙 [cha3ya2]↓;褲叉 (in tailoring) where the legs of trousers meet;叉門 to stand at door and block entrance with arms spread out.Words1. 叉股子話 [cha1gu3zi0hua4], n., (coll.) contradictory statements.2. 叉灰泥 *[cha3hui1ni2], n., mixed cement.3. 叉開 *[cha3kai1], v.i., fork out, push aside with both hands.4. 叉劈 [cha3pi0], adj. & adv., divergent: 走叉劈了 (our) ways diverge in different directions.5. 叉手 [cha1shou3], v.i., to fold hands in salute.6. 叉牙 [cha1ya2], (1) v.i., to fork; (2) adj., (branches) forking out (also wr.杈枒).林语堂☞扠叉[chā](ㄔㄚ)1.一端有两个以上的长齿而另一端有柄的器具 instrument with a handle at one end and two or more pointed prongs at the other; fork:钢叉 steel fork鱼叉 harpoon吃西餐用刀叉。Knives and forks are used when having a Western-style meal. 2.用叉取东西 operate with a fork; fork:叉鱼 spear fish; harpoon fish 3.(叉儿 chār)叉形符号‘×’,一般用来标志错误的或作废的事物 ×- mark to show sth. is wrong or to be deleted; cross out另见 chá, chǎ and chà叉[chá](ㄔㄚˊ)〈方 dial.〉挡住;卡住 block (up); jam:车辆叉住了路口,过不去了。Traffic was blocked at the crossroads and we couldn't get through.另见 chā, chǎ and chà叉[chǎ](ㄔㄚˇ)分开成叉(chā)形 separate so as to form a fork; spread apart:叉着腿 stand with legs apart另见 chā, chá and chà叉[chà](ㄔㄚˋ)另见 排叉儿 páichàr and 劈叉 pǐchà另见 chā, chá and chǎ相关词组交叉 | 劈叉 | 药叉 | 夜叉 | 音叉 | 排叉儿 | 仰八叉 | 三叉神经 | 环形交叉 | 立体交叉 | 平面交叉叉车 | 叉烧 | 叉腰 | 叉子叉n.fork叉;餐叉;耙prong叉;耙fourchette叉;叉状物vt.strike(用鱼叉)叉(鲸鱼);(急拉钓线索)钩住(上钩的鱼);(鱼)咬(饵)PEG(用尖形工具)刺,叉;钩leister叉(鱼)叉1. to part so as to form a fork\\cha\\ㄔㄚˊ\\1·to block up; to jam\\cha\\ㄔㄚ\\1·a fork2. to work with a fork; to fork叉crotch叉fork双向☞叉--交叉--分支点双向☞交叉--叉--音叉双向☞叉--交叉--叉杆叉[chā]名1. fork♦ 钢~ steel fork♦ 干草~ hayfork; pitchfork♦ 餐~ (table) fork2. X-sign; cross♦ 在每个错别字上打个~ put a cross above each wrongly written word动work with a fork; fork♦ ~草上垛 pitch hay onto a stack♦ ~鱼 spear fish另见 chǎ叉[chǎ]动part so as to form a fork; fork♦ ~着腿站着 stand with one's legs apart另见 chā |
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