

释义 又1. again又 yòuI adv.again; moreover又过了一天 another day passed又是他。 It's him again. (disapprovingly)II conj.1) and; in addition三又五分之四 three and four-fifths2) but; on the other hand我想买,又怕太贵。 I thought of buying it, but was afraid that it was too expensive.III cons.又 A 又 B: both A and B又便宜又好 cheap as well as good又yòu(once) againalsoboth... and...and yet(used for emphasis) anyway又 adv. 再;重新;重复again; again; repeatedly一次又一次 over and over again错了又错 be wrong and wrong again劝了又劝,他还是不听。 He was urged repeatedly but he still didn't listen.他想了又想,总是想不出办法。 He thought about it again and again but he could never think of a way out.天又下雨了。 It's raining again.他又重复了一遍。 He repeated it one more time.此后,我们又去过三次。 After this, we went another three times.表示几种情况或性质同时存在also又便宜又好 cheap as well as good说得又好又中肯 speak well and to the point他的话里不但有批评,同时又有自我批评。 His speech was not only a criticism but it was also a self-criticism.这项研究要求参与者既要有冲天的干劲,又要有科学分析的精神 this study requires participants with both lots of energy and a spirit of scientific analysis表示意思上更进一层too他年纪大,又有病。 He's old and he's sick.他人聪明,又爱劳动。 He is smart and loves to work.冬季日短,又是下雪天,所以很快就天黑了。 Winter days are short and it's snowing, so it's getting dark very quickly.表示在某个范围之外有所补充another普通行李之外,他又带了几本书。 As well as regular luggage, he also brought several books.工厂又派去了一批工人。 The factory sent another group of workers.表示整数之外,再加零数and一又三分之二 one and two thirds表示矛盾;可是but她又想去看电影,又想不去。 She didn't know if she wanted to go and watch a film or not.不去不好,去呢又没有时间。 It's not good if I don't go, but I don't have any time to go.想说,又忘了。 I want to say something but I've forgotten what it is.去看足球赛吧,又怕天下雨。 We can go and watch the football match, but then again it might rain.加强语气even你又不是小孩子! You're not a child!我又不是故意的。 I really didn't do it on purpose.这又何必呢? is this really necessary?为了大家的利益,多干些活儿又算得了什么呢! if it's for the benefit of everyone, what does it matter if we work a little bit harder!这又有什么不好? what's wrong with this then?他又不知道这些事,所以不能怪他。 He didn't even know about this, so don't go and blame him.又 yòu 副 (表示重复或继续):  读了又读 read again and again;  一年又一年 year after year;  到了7月我们又该放暑假了。 We'll start another summer vacation when July comes.  你又和他吵架了? Did you make a scene with him again?  他叫了又叫, 但没有人来帮忙。 He called and called but no one came to his assistance.  她没懂, 我又说了一遍。 She didn't understand and so I said it again.  他纵身跳进了激流, 救起了一个又一个孩子。 He plunged into the swift current and rescued one child after another.  我想了又想, 一直想个没完。 I think and think and cannot cease from thinking. (表示几种情况或性质同时存在):  又便宜又好 cheap but good;  经过一个夏天, 连最差的牛羊在这里也长得又肥又壮了。 After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat.  空气又冷又潮, 我看是要下雨了。 It's damp and cold, I think it's going to rain.  路近车又快,一会儿就到了。 It was not far off, and the car drove very fast, so it didn't take us much time to get there.  他家既无房子又无地。 His family owned neither land nor house.  他似乎是又气愤又不安。 He seemed both angry and disturbed.  五四运动是反对帝国主义的运动,又是反对封建主义的运动。 The May 4th Movement was at once anti-imperialist and anti-feudal. (表示意思上更进一层):  天很黑,又下着雨, 路更难走了。 On top of it being dark, it rained, which made the going even tougher. (表示 在某个范围之外有所补充):  除了拖拉机, 我们又添了一台插秧机。 In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a new rice transplanter.  大夫摸了摸我的脉,又瞧了瞧我的嗓子。 The doctor felt my pulse and looked down my throat. (表示整数之外再加零数):  一又二分之一 one and a half (表示有矛盾的两件事情):  她又想去,又不想去, 拿不定主意。 She couldn't make up her mind whether to go or not. (表示转折, 有“可是”的意思):  他想说话又忍住了。 He was about to speak. Again he checked himself.  我想去,又怕没时间。 I'd like to go, but I'm not sure if I can find the time. (用在否定句或反问句里, 加强语气):  我又不是外人, 何必客气。 I'm not a stranger here, why all these ceremonies  这活儿又不重我一个人顶得下来。 That's not a hard job. I'm sure I can manage it myself. 又又 542A40  32.82  部居  畫數 2ㄧㄡˋ [you4] . [Usu. printed ]Adv.(1)  Again: 你又來了 you again! 又過了一天 another day passed again;in many combinations expressing the idea “again”: 又復,又再,更又 again;且又 besides;又加,又兼 in addition (besides).(2)  Oft. containing a rebuke, disapproval: 又是他 it's he, the same person, again! 又來官樣文章 again the bombastic talk of bureaucracy;你又不是一個小孩 besides, you are not a child (and should not listen to him).Conj.And: 一又三分之二 one and two-thirds;oft. 又…又…:又高又大 big and tall;又聾又啞 both deaf and mute;又冷又下雨 it's cold and raining;又饑又渴 both hungry and thirsty.又[yòu](ㄧㄡˋ)〈副词 adv.〉1.表示重复或继续 [indicating repetition or continuation] again:他拿着这封信看了又看。He took the letter and read it again and again.人类社会的生产活动,是一步又一步地由低级向高级发展。The production activities of the human society develop step by step from a lower stage to a higher stage. 2.表示几种情况或性质同时存在 [indicating the simultaneous existence of more than one situation or property]: (a)单用 [used singly]:五四运动是反帝国主义的运动,又是反封建的运动。The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist movement, and an anti-feudal one at that. (b)连用 [used successively]:又快又好 quick and good又香又脆 sweet and crisp 3.表示意思上更进一层 [indicating a progress in meaning]:冬季日短,又是阴天,夜色早已笼罩了整个市镇。The winter day is short, and moreover, it was overcast, so the whole town had already been shrouded in darkness. 4.表示在某个范围之外有所补充 [indicating an addition to a given scope]:生活费之外,又发给五十块钱做零用 give 50 yuan as pocket money in addition to the daily allowance 5.表示整数之外再加零数 [indicating an odd number in addition to a whole number]:一又二分之一 one and a half 6.表示有矛盾的两件事情(多叠用 oft. used reiteratively)[indicating two contradictory things]:她又想去,又想不去,拿不定主意。She hesitated over whether she would go or not. 7.表示转折,有‘可是’的意思 [indicating a turn of meaning like‘but’]:刚才有个事儿要问你,这会儿又想不起来了。I just wanted to ask you about something, but can't remember it for the moment. 8.用在否定句或反问句里,加强语气 [used in a negative sentence or a rhetorical question to add emphasis]:我又不是客人,还用你老陪着吗?I'm not a guest. Why should you keep me company all the time?相关词组玄之又玄 | 赔了夫人又折兵 | 一波未平,一波又起又及又ad.eftsoon〈古〉再,又again又;作为附加,另外item〈古〉(用于介绍目录或细目中逐个项目之前)又,同样地likewise也,亦,又thereto〈古〉此外,又,再者therewith此外,又;同时EFT再,又thereunto〈废〉此外,又,再者conj.AND[用于连接重复的词,表示连续、反复或同一事物质地的优劣不同]接连;又;此外尚有[用于连接语法上同类的词、短语或句子,表示并列或附加关系]和,与,及,同;又;并;也also另外;又,并prep.ON(一个)接(一个);…又…by[表示连续或反复](一个)接着(一个);(一个)又(一个)vt.eke〈古〉又;而且;此外phr.as well也,又,还又1. again2. further3. also4. but5. and又[yòu]副1. (used for an actual action) again♦ 他~来了。 Here he comes again.♦ 我~到那儿去了。 I went there again.♦ 他说了~说。 He said it over and over again.2. also; in addition♦ 这个很好, ~便宜。 This is very good, and inexpensive too.♦ 天很黑, ~下着雨, 路更难走了。 On top of it being dark it was raining, which made the going even tougher.3. (used between a whole number and a fraction) and♦ 一~二分之一 one and a half4. (used, sometimes in pairs, to indicate contrary actions or ideas)♦ 他答应了来~不来。 He promised to come but didn't.♦ 刚才太冷, 现在~太热了。 Just a moment ago it was too cold, now it's too hot.5. (used in a negative statement or a rhetorical question for emphasis)♦ 这活儿~不重, 我一个人顶得下来。 That's not a hard job. I'm sure I can manage it alone.♦ 这样做~有什么好处呢? What good is there in doing that?6. (reduplicated, with verbs or adjectives) both ... and ...; not only ... but also ...♦ 坐飞机~快~舒服。 The plane is both quick and comfortable.♦ 这儿的东西~便宜~好。 Things here are not only inexpensive but also good.♦ ~哭~闹 make a tearful scene




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