

单词 参谋
释义 文馨英漢☞參謀ABCABC★◀▶参谋 cānmóu1) give advice你帮我参谋参谋。 Please give me advice.2) coll. talk over; deliberate; consult参谋 cānmoustaff officer参谋cānmóustaff officerto give advice参谋【军】staff officer作战参谋 strategy adviser出主意<口>to advise给我参谋一下,该怎么办。 Give me some advice. What should I do?出主意的人<口>adviser发挥参谋作用 play the role of adviser参谋 cān móu  {军} (各级司令机关的主要工作人员) staff officer:  总参谋长 chief of the general staff (泛指代出主意的人) adviser (代人出主意) give advice:  当好参谋 give good advice;  发挥老同志的参谋作用 give veteran comrades a role as consultants;  这事可以让他给你参谋一下。 You might ask him for advice on this matter. 参谋部门 staff department; 参谋处 staff section; 参谋人员 (机构) staff; 参谋训练 staff officer training; 参谋业务 staff speciality; staff business; 参谋长 chief of staff; 参谋职能 staff function参谋[cān móu]1.军队中参与指挥部队行动、制定作战计划的干部 staff officer whose job is to assist a commanding officer in directing the troops and making war plans 2.泛指代人出主意 gen. give advice; advise; suggest:这事该怎么办,你给参谋一下。Could you advise me on this matter? 3.指代出主意的人 adviser; counsellor; consultant; one who gives advice:他给你当参谋。Let him be your consultant.参谋a.staff参谋人员的,参谋的phr.staff officer参谋参谋1. a staff officer2. (mostly in jest) to give advice参谋1.军staff officer2. give advice♦ 请你给我们~~看怎么办才好。 Please give us some advice as to what is the best way to do it.~长 [军]chief of staff




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