

单词 参加
释义 文馨英漢☞參加参加 cānjiā1) join; attend; take part in2) give (advice/etc.)这事,请你也参加点儿意见。 Please give us your opinions about this matter?参加cānjiāto participateto take partto join参加参与;出席;加入to take part in ; to attend; to join参加革命 take part in the revolution参加中国共产党 join the Chinese Communist Party参加工作 enter the workforce吸收他参加工作 recruit him for the job参加人数 the number of people in attendance参加会议 attend a meeting积极参加 actively participate应邀参加大会的还有各界代表。 Delegates from all walks of life are invited to the meeting.提意见to offer one's opinion请你参加点儿意见。 Please give us your opinion.参加 cān jiā (加入) join; attend; take part in; participate in; go in for; partake in (of) sth. with sb.; have hand in; enter into:  参加讨论 participate in the discussion;  参加会议 attend a meeting;  参加党 join the Party;  积极参加文娱活动 take an active part in recreational activities;  我们班上大多数学生参加各项科学活动。 Most students in our class go in for scientific activities. (提出意见) give (advice, suggestion, etc.):  这件事你也来参加点意见吧。 Come and give us your view on the matter, won't you? 参加管理 (经营) management participation; 参加者 attendance参加[cān jiā]1.加入某种组织或某种活动 join a group or an activity; attend; engage in; take part in; participate in; go in for (activities):参加工会 join the trade union参加会议 attend a meeting参加选举 participate in an election参加绿化劳动 take part in tree planting 2.提出(意见)offer; give; tender (advice, suggestions, etc.):这件事儿,请你也参加点儿意见。Please come and give us your view on this matter.参加a.concerned有关的, 有牵连的;参与的,参加的 (in)attendant出席的,在场的,参加的participatory参与的,参加的;积极参与的;吸引参与的n.participation参与,参加attachment连接;参加;委派;【军】配属attendance出席,参加;出席次数;出席率prep.AT出席,参加vi.join参加,同别人一起做同样的事attend出席,参加 (at)assist参加 (in)engage从事;参加participate参与,参加 (in)communicate〈古〉参加,参与affiliate发生联系,参加partake参加,参与 (in)accede(正式)加入,参加 (to)enrol加入,参加;注册;入学vt.play参加(体育活动、比赛等);同…比赛;让…参加比赛;(在球队中)(让…)担任(特定位置);(比赛中)打出,踢出;(比分)…比…write〈加拿大〉〈南非〉参加(笔试)enter使进入,使参加;放入,插入参加,加入;成为…的一员join加入,成为…的一员;参加sit〈主英〉参加(考试)fight与…进行拳击;参加(拳击赛等)drink为…祝酒;参加(祝酒);提议(祝酒)attend出席,参加(会议等);上(大学等)engage使从事,使忙于;使参加,使卷入row参加(赛船);与…进行划船比赛skate参加(滑冰赛等)phr.take a hand参加,介入;起一份作用jump aboard参加,加入,介入某团体(或某项活动等)be party to参加,参与;支持,了解give in adhesion to(作为支持者)参加drop in〈口〉参加,加入jump into(欣然)参加,(一下子)投入be in for参加(竞赛等)参加1. to take (a test, an exam)2. to join (a club, association, organization)3. to take part in4. to attend (a ceremony, meeting)双向☞列入--进入--记入双向☞参加--出席--照顾双向☞参加--分享--共用双向☞选择加入--参加双向☞参加--出席参加1. join (a group, organization, etc.); take part in (an activity)♦ ~晚会 go to an evening party♦ ~管理国家大事 participate in the management of state affairs2. give (advice, suggestion, etc.)♦ 这件事你也来~点儿意见吧? Come and give us your view on the matter, won't you?




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