

单词 原著
释义 原著 yuánzhùoriginal (work)原著yuánzhùoriginal work (not translation or abridged)原著the original读原著 read the original读普希金的原著 read Pushkin in the original原著 yuán zhù original work; original:  读莫泊桑原著 read Maupassant in the original;  他们在攻读英语, 以便能阅读莎士比亚原著。 They are studying English in order to read Shakespeare in the original. 原著[yuán zhù] 著作的原本(对译本、缩写本、删节本、改编本而言 as opposed to‘translated’,‘simplified’,‘abridged’, or‘adapted’versions)original work; original:翻译作品要忠实于原著。Translation should be faithful to the original.原著1. original work(s); the original原著original work; original




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