

单词 原状
释义 原状 yuánzhuàngoriginal/previous state; status quo ante原状yuánzhuàngprevious conditionoriginal state原状原来的样子original state【外;法】status quo ante恢复原状 reinstatement维持原状 maintain the status quo原状 yuán zhuàng original state; previous condition; raw condition; status quo ante:  恢复原状 restore the status quo ante; restore to the former state 原状砾石 as-dug gravel; 原状土 undisturbed soil; 原状土样 undisturbed soil sample原状[yuán zhuàng] 原来的样子 original state; previous condition; status quo ante:恢复原状 restore to its former state原状1. original form or shape原状original state; previous condition; status quo ante♦ 恢复~ restore the status quo ante; restore to the former state




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