

单词 原价
释义 文馨英漢☞原價原价 yuánjià1) original price2) cost price3) wholesale price4) production cost5) prime cost原价original price按原价出售 sell at the original price原价 yuán jià original cost; cost price; prime cost原价[yuán jià] 原来的价格 original price; former price:按原价打八折出售 sell at 20 per cent off; give a 20 per cent discount on the marked price原价phr.cost price成本价格;原价,购入成本原价1. the original price; the cost price; the prime cost; the first price; the production cost; the old price双向☞原价--原始成本--创设费双向☞成本费--原价--成本双向☞--采购价 --原价双向☞原价--购置成本原价original price




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