

单词 却之不恭
释义 文馨英漢☞卻之不恭却之不恭 quèzhībùgōnghumb. (I'm undeserving but) it's not polite to turn down (your offer).却之不恭quèzhībùgōngto refuse would be impolite却之不恭to refuse would be impolite却之不恭 què zhī bù gōng It is disrespectful to decline (refuse).;It would be disrespectful (impolite) to decline ...:  却之不恭, 受之有愧。 To accept (these sumptuous gifts) embarrasses me, but to refuse them would be unmannerly.; To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing. 却之不恭[què zhī bù gōng] 对于别人的馈赠、邀请等,如果拒绝,就显得不恭敬 be impolite to refuse (gift, invitation, etc.):却之不恭,受之有愧。It would be disrespectful to decline, but embarrassing to accept.却之不恭1. It would be impolite to decline.却之不恭套 (said when receiving a gift) it would be impolite to decline♦ ~, 受之有愧。 To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing.




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