

释义 危1. danger危 wēiI b.f.1) danger; dangerous (危险)2) endanger; imperil; jeopardize (危害)3) high; precipitous (危崖)4) near death (病危)5) wr. proper; upright (正襟危坐)II s.v.coll. in jeopardy这下可危了。 This time I'm done for.III n.1) trad., wr. ridge of a roof2) Surname危Wēisurname Weiwēidangerto endangerTaiwan pr. [wei2]危 n. 二十八宿之一Rooftop, one of the 28 constellations v. 使处于危险境地to endanger临死to face death病危 be critically ill临危 at death's door adj. 参见:危险[wēixiǎn]转危为安 pull through danger and reach safety高<书>towering危岭 towering mountain端正<书>upright危 wēi 名 (危险) danger; peril:  居安思危 think of danger in times of peace;  临危不惧 face danger fearlessly; betray no fear in an hour of danger;  转危为安 take a turn for the better and be out of danger  (书) (屋脊) ridge (of a roof) (二十八宿之一) Wei, one of the lunar mansions (姓氏) a surname:  危全讽 Wei Quanfeng 动 (使处于危险境地; 危害) endanger; imperil; jeopardize:  危及某人的生命(财产; 名誉; 安全) endanger sb.'s life (property; reputation; security);  散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。 Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping.  他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前程。 His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy. 形 (危险的; 不安全) dangerous; perilous:  危局 a dangerous situation (人快要死去) dying:  病危 be critically ill; be dying  (书) (高) high; precipitous:  危楼 a high tower;  危崖 a precipitous cliff  (书) (端正) proper; upright:  正襟危坐 sit up properly 危危 1347A35  92.70  部居  畫數 6ㄨㄟˊ [wei2] N.A surname.V.t.To harm;to endanger: 危害 [wei2hai4]↓;危身 to injure self, expose self to troubles;(AC) 危之 to threaten to destroy him.Adj.(1)  Dangerous, precarious in uncomfortable high position: 危險 [wei2xian3]↓;危橋 shaky bridge;危樓 high tower;危崖 steep cliffside;危冠 (AC) a tall hat;臨危 upon deathbed;居安思危 think of possible war when in peace;危如累卵 precarious like a stack of eggs.(2)  Cautious: 危言危行 (AC) cautious speech and conduct;正襟危坐 sit solemnly, dress well buttoned (Confucian ethics).Words1. 危殆 [wei2dai4], adj., in danger.2. 危篤 [wei2du3], adj., critically ill.3. 危竿 [wei2gan1], n., acrobatic act, climbing on pole.4. 危害 [wei2hai4], v.t., to destory, to plot to destory (life), to endanger (society, country).5. 危機 [wei2ji1], n., a critical point, a crisis of danger.6. 危急 [wei2ji2], adj., (1) critically ill; (2) urgent, critical (situation).7. 危懼 [wei2jU4], v.i., to be in fear, be afraid and worried.8. 危難 [wei2nan4], n., calamity.9. 危險 [wei2xian3], adj. & n., dangerous (place, step); danger.10. 危行 [wei2xing4], n., cautious conduct, see Adj.2↑.11. 危言 [wei2yan2], n., as in 危言聳聽 shocking statement attracts attention; see also Adj.2↑.12. 危語 [wei2yU3], n., ditto.危[wēi](ㄨㄟ)1.危险;不安全(跟‘安’相对 as opposed to‘safety’)danger:危急 critical; imminent danger; desperate situation危难 danger转危为安 pass from danger to safety; tide over a crisis居安思危 be vigilant when in peace 2.使处于危险境地;损害 endanger; imperil:危害 harm危及生命 life-threatening 3.指人快要死 dying:临危 be dying; in danger病危 critically ill 4.〈书 fml.〉高;高耸 high; towering:危樯 tall masts危楼百尺 building over hundreds of feet high 5.〈书 fml.〉端正;正直 upright; proper:正襟危坐 straighten one's clothes and sit properly; sit in state 6.二十八宿之一 wei, one of the 28 constellations in ancient Chinese astronomy 7.(Wēi) 姓 a surname相关词组濒危 | 病危 | 垂危 | 高危 | 艰危 | 临危 | 扶危济困 | 见危授命 | 临危受命 | 临危授命 | 转危为安 | 经济危机 | 正襟危坐 | 乘人之危 | 居安思危危城 | 危殆 | 危笃 | 危房 | 危害 | 危机 | 危及 | 危急 | 危局 | 危惧 | 危楼 | 危难 | 危浅 | 危亡 | 危险 | 危重 | 危坐 | 危如累卵 | 危言耸听 | 危在旦夕危1. danger2. to endanger3. dying4. [Formal] high and steep危[wēi]名1. danger; peril♦ 居安思危 2. the twelfth of the twenty-eight constellations (二十八宿) into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy动endanger; imperil♦ 危害 形1. dying♦ 病危 2. 书 high; precipitous♦ ~崖 a precipitous cliff3. 书 proper♦ 危坐




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