

单词 南曲
释义 南曲 Nánqǔ1) southern-style opera during Song, Yuan, and Ming2) opera sung to southern tunes南曲流行于南方的曲调'southern tunes' popular in South China during the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties用南曲演唱的戏曲southern drama南曲[nán qǔ]1.宋元明时流行于南方的各种曲调的统称,调子柔和婉转,用管乐器伴奏 southern tunes, a general term for the tunes and melodies popular in south China during the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, known for their soft and graceful notes, and sung to the accompaniment of wind instruments 2.指用南曲演唱的戏曲 nanqu; southern songs; opera sung in southern tunes南曲1. southern tunes (tunes and melodies popular in the South during the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties)2. opera sung in southern tunes




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