

释义 ABCABC★◀▶南 nán1) south2) Surname南 nā(南无)南Nánsurname Nannánsouth南 n. 四个方向之一south河以南 south of the river窗子朝南。 The window faces south.脸朝南 face south朝南行驶 head southward偏南一些 slightly inclined to the south参见:南方南 nán 名 (早晨面对太阳时右手的一边) south:  城南 south of the city;  华南 South China;  南岸 south coast;  南风 a south wind;  南屋 a room with a northern exposure;  正南偏东 south by east;  这屋子朝南。 The house faces towards the south. (姓氏) a surname:  南霁云 Nan Jiyun 副 (向南) southward:  南巡 make an inspection trip in the south;  南下 go down south 另见 nā。南南 29C00  10.02  部居  畫數 9ㄋㄢˊ [nan2] N.(1)  The south: 南方 [nan2fang1]↓;南面 [nan2mian4]↓;南轅北轍 to head for the wrong. direction, diametrically opposite;天南地北 (of friends or relatives) be separated far and wide.(2)  The southern parts of a country: 南腔北調 (of speech) talk with mixed accents;北人南相 a northerner with the looks of a southerner.(3)  A surname.Adv.Southward: 南巡 (or kings) make an inspection trip in the south;南奔 escape southward;南投 go southward;南行 ditto;南下 go down south.Words1. 南半球 [nan2ban4qiu2], n., the Southern Hemisphere.2. 南北朝 [nan2bei3chao2], n., era of the Southern and Northern Dyns., 420-589 A.D.3. 南方 [nan2fang1], n., (1) (of direction) the south: 在南方 in the south; 面向南方 facing the south; (2) the southern parts of a country: 南方人 a southerner; 南方女郎 a girl from the south.4. 南非 [nan2fei1], n., South Africa; 南非聯邦 [NamFei Liarnbang1], Union of South Africa; Republic of South Africa since 1961.5. 南瓜 [nan2gua1], n., (bot.) the pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo.6. 南瓜子兒 [nan2gua0tzeeer0], n., pumpkin seeds.7. 南國 [nan2guo2], N., the south in general: 南國佳人 a beauty from the south.8. 南回歸線 [nan2hui2gui1xian4], n., the Tropic of Capricorn.9. 南貨 [nan2huo4], n., (orig.) products from southern China; now, any native product, foodstuff, ham, etc.10. 南胡 [nan2hu2], n., a kind of musical instrument.11. 南鍼 [nan2zhen1], n., (also 南針) a compass, (fig.) a guide or guideline, abbr. from 指南針.12. 南箕 [nan2ji1], n., as in 南箕北斗 (lit.) the Sagittarius and the Dipper; (fig.) nominal things without any practical use.13. 南京 [nan2jing1], n., Nanking.14. 南極 [nan2ji2], n., (geog.) the South Pole; 南極圈 the Antarctic Circle; 南極洲 Antarctica.15. 南燭 [nan2zhu2], n., (bot.) (also 南天燭) Andromeda ovalifolia.16. 南柯 [nan2ke1], n., in 南柯一夢 (allu.) an imaginary or empty dream, symbolic of man's life.17. 南美 [nan2mei3], n., South America.18. 南面 [nan2mian4], n., (1) the south; (2) (AC) a king or emperor: 南面稱王 to ascend the throne (from ancient practice that all kings sat facing the south in holding audience).19. 南無 [nan2mo2] ([nan2mo0]), v.t., (Sanskrit) Namo, take refuge in (the Buddha, the dharma or the sangha).20. 南山壽 [nan2shan1shou4], phr., 壽比南山 many, many happy returns of the day (lit., “as longlived as Mt. Nanshan”).21. 南斯拉夫 [nan2si1la1fu1], n., Yugoslavia.22. 南天竹 [nan2tian1zhu2], n., (bot.) Nandia domestica.23. 南腿 [nan2tui3], n., a kind of ham produced in southern China.24. 南緯 [nan2wei3], n., (geog.) southern latitudes.25. 南洋 [nan2yang2], n., the South Seas; 南洋群島 the South Sea Islands.南[nā](ㄋㄚ)[南无] (nāmó)〈佛教用语 Budd.〉表示对佛尊敬或皈依 Namah; Namo; Buddhist term of reverence for, or devotion to, the Buddha, Triratna, or Amitabha [梵 Sanskrit: namas]另见 nán南[nán](ㄋㄢˊ)1.四个主要方向之一,早晨面对太阳时右手的一边 south (one of the four directions); direction to the right of sunrise:南边儿 to the south南头儿 on the southern side南方 the south南风(从南来的风) southerly wind山南 south of the mountain坐北朝南 facing south 2.南部地区,在我国指长江流域及其以南的地区 the south; (of China) regions south of the Yangtze River:南味 southern flavour; southern school of cooking南货 native produce from south China 3.(Nán) 姓 a surname另见 nā相关词组东南 | 华南 | 淮南 | 江南 | 岭南 | 司南 | 西南 | 指南 | 东南亚 | 伽南香 | 毛南族 | 西南非 | 指南车 | 指南针 | 河南梆子 | 河南坠子 | 山南海北 | 天南地北 | 终南捷径 | 走南闯北 | 八一南昌起义南北 | 南边 | 南朝 | 南斗 | 南方 | 南宫 | 南瓜 | 南国 | 南胡 | 南货 | 南极 | 南面 | 南明 | 南欧 | 南齐 | 南曲 | 南式 | 南宋 | 南糖 | 南味 | 南戏 | 南亚 | 南洋 | 南音 | 南针 | 南半球 | 南梆子 | 南北朝 | 南豆腐 | 南昌起义 | 南柯一梦 | 南腔北调 | 南辕北辙南a.meridian〈罕〉南的,南方的southerly南的;向南的austral南的,南方的,南部的n.south南;南方(略作 S.或S)Nan南 (Anna, Anne 的昵称)(f.)南1. south南Minami南south双向☞南的--南方的--南南[nán]名south♦ 城~ south of the city♦ ~屋 a room with a northern exposure




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