

单词 单打
释义 文馨英漢☞單打单打 dāndǎ1) n. sport singles2) v. deal with one thing at a time单打dāndǎsingles (in sports)CL:场[chǎng]单打【体】singles(plural)单打冠军 singles champion乒乓球男子单打世界冠军 world men's singles table tennis champion单打 dān dǎ {体} singles:  男子单打 men's singles;  女子单打 women's singles;  少年男子单打 boy's singles;  少年女子单打 girl's singles;  她只参加单打。 She's only playing in the singles. 单打[dān dǎ] 某些球类比赛的一种方式,由两人对打,如乒乓球、羽毛球、网球等都可以单打 (of some ball games) singles; form of competition between two players, such as ping-pong, badminton, and tennis单打1. [Sports] singles单打[体]singles♦ 男子(女子)~ men's (women's) singles♦ 少年男子(女子)~ boys' (girls') singles♦ 她只参加~。 She's only playing in the singles.




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