

单词 卑微
释义 卑微1. humble2. petty and low卑微 bēiwēipetty; picayunish卑微bēiwēipetty and low卑微lowly官职卑微 the government position is of low status出身卑微 be of humble origin卑微 bēi wēi lowly; inferior; humble:  出身卑微的人 a man of low origin 卑微[bēi wēi] 地位低下 petty and low:门第卑微 come from a lowly family; be of low origin官职卑微 hold a low official post卑微a.poor谦卑的,卑微的;卑下的,可鄙的villain(出身)低贱的,卑微的vile〈古〉微不足道的;卑微的sneaky卑微的;畏畏缩缩的trifling〈美方〉卑鄙的;卑微的sneaking〈口〉卑微的,畏畏缩缩的ungenerous不宽厚的,不宽大的,不宽宏大量的;卑微的;苛刻的卑微1. humble; simple; petty and low英華英華★◀▶英華☞Humbleness英華☞EARTH




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