

单词 华裔
释义 文馨英漢☞華裔华裔 Huáyìforeign citizen of Chinese origin华裔Huáyìethnic Chinesenon-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry华裔我国和我国的四邻China and neighbouring countries(Britain); China and neighboring countries(US)取得侨居国国籍的华侨子女foreign citizen of Chinese extraction华裔 huá yì foreign citizen of Chinese origin; ethnic Chinese 华裔外国人 foreign citizen of Chinese origin华裔[huá yì]1.指我国和我国的四邻 China and its neighbouring countries 2.华侨在侨居国所生并取得侨居国国籍的子女 foreign citizen of Chinese origin华裔n.Chinese中国人;华裔华裔1. a non-Chinese citizen of Chinese origin华裔foreign citizen of Chinese origin♦ ~美国人 an American of Chinese descent




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