

单词 半瓶醋
释义 半瓶醋1. a half-educated person半瓶醋 bànpíngcùcoll. one who makes a great display of little knowledge; dabbler半瓶醋bànpíngcùdabblerdilettante who speaks as though he were an expert半瓶醋<口>dabbler; half bottle of vinegar半瓶醋 [ban4ping2cu4], n., a man with superficial knowledge of a subject.半瓶醋[bàn píng cù]〈比喻 fig.〉对某种知识或某种技术只略知一二的人 half a bottle of vinegar; dabbler; smatterer亦 also 半瓶子醋 bànpíng·zicù半瓶醋n.sciolist〈古〉知识浅薄的人,一知半解者,半瓶醋;假充内行的人半瓶醋1. a half-educated person; a dabbler; a shallow person; Jack of all trades; half knowledge半瓶醋口 half a bottle of vinegar—dabbler; smatterer♦ 他的法文是半瓶子醋。 He has a smattering of French.




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