

单词 千方百计
释义 文馨英漢☞千方百計千方百计 qiānfāngbǎijìby hook or by crook千方百计qiānfāngbǎijìlit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means千方百计by hook or by crook; a thousand schemes and a hundred plans千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì make every attempt (every possible effort; every endeavor) to; use (try; take) every means to; use every conceivable method (stratagem) to; use all sorts of wiles and methods to; use all ways and means to; do everything possible to; do one's utmost to; do all in one's power to; resort to every trick to; leave no stone unturned to; try by all means to; try every way to; try in a thousand ways to; try one's utmost to; try (scheme) a thousand and one ways to; try by hook or by crook to; try to ... in all sorts of ways; move heaven and earth to; employ all available means to; stop at nothing to; pull out all stops to; worry out ways to; in every possible way; in all possible ways; in all manner of ways; by all ways and means (devices); by every means imaginable; by every possible means; inexhaustible in devices and schemes:  我们要千方百计提高单位面积产量。 We must do everything to raise the per unit yield. 千方百计[qiān fāng bǎi jì] 形容想尽或用尽种种方法 by hook or by crook; by every possible means; in a thousand and one ways千方百计phr.move heaven and earth竭尽全力,尽一切可能,千方百计by hook or crook不择手段地,千方百计地,用种种方法千方百计1. in a thousand and one ways; by every possible means; by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook2. to use all sorts of wiles and methods; to take every possible measure; to leave no stone unturned; to pull out all the stops千方百计in a thousand and one ways; by every possible (or conceivable) means; by hook or by crook♦ ~挖掘潜力 try every possible way to tap potential♦ ~掩盖错误 use all one's ingenuity to cover up one's mistakes♦ 他~地请好大夫给妻子看病。 He is doing all he can to find good doctors to treat his wife.




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