

释义 十1. decad2. ten十 shí1) num. ten; 102) b.f. complete (十分, 十足)十shíten10十 num. 数目ten十年 ten years十个朋友 ten friends十个人在一起 ten people together顺序tenth五月十日 tenth of May十周年纪念 tenth anniversary commemoration达到顶点highest十成 100%十分 extremely十 shí 数 (九加一后所得) ten:  十倍 ten times; tenfold;  十分之一 one tenth;  十岁的男孩 a boy of ten;  十周年纪念 the tenth anniversary 形 (表示达到顶点) topmost:  十成 100 per cent 十十 15A45  10.10  部居  畫數 2ㄕˊ [shi2] N. & adj.Ten: 十多個,十來個 over ten (pieces);十多歲,十來歲 over ten (of age);幾十個 several tens or dozens;百十來個 over hundred (pieces);十二使徒 the Twelve Disciples;十八羅漢 the eighteen Lohans (Arahats);女大十八變 a growing girl changes a great deal, how a teenage girl changes from year to year;十八般武藝 various skills in boxing, fighting with sword, spear, etc.;十三經 the Thirteen Classics, see 經 93B.30;十有八九 eight or nine out of ten;十無二三 less than two or three out of ten;十分之一 one-tenth;十一 (a) eleven, (b) one-tenth;十成,十分 [shi2cheng2], [shi2fen1]↓;十室九空 almost all (nine-tenths) houses empty after raid;十拿九穩 almost (nine-tenths) certain, 90 percent sure;十羊九牧 nine shepherds for ten sheep-more officials than residents;十目所視,十手所指 (AC) all eyes see it and all fingers point to it-useless to hide;十年樹木,百年樹人 it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men-long-term plan.Adj. & adv.Complete: 十全十美 perfect (beauty, character);十足 [shi2zu2]↓.Words1. 十成(兒) [shi2cheng2]([er0]), adj., hundred per cent (gold content, etc.): 有十成把握 hundred, percent certain.2. 十全 [shi2qUan2], adj., perfect, all complete (happiness, etc.).3. 十冬(臘月) [shi2dong1], n., the winter months (10th, 11th and 12th).4. 十二 [shi2e4] ([she4]), adj., twelve: 十二分抱歉,滿意 hundred percent (“120%”) sorry, satisfied; 十二宮 the twelve constellations of the zodiac; 十二指腸 [shi2e4zhi3chang2], n., the duodenum; adj., 十二時 the twelve two-hour periods, 子,丑,寅,卯 (see Appendix A); 十二小時 twelve hours; adj.,十二屬 [shi2e4shu3], 十二肖 [shi2e4xiao4], the twelve animals corresponding to twelve-year cycle (see Appendix A).5. 十方 [shi2fang1], n., (Budd.) the ten directions, north, south, east, west, four intermediate and above, below.6. 十分 [shi2fen1], adj. & adv., (1) hundred per cent (satisfied, pleased, etc.); (2) tenth part: 十分之一,之三 one-tenth, three-tenths.7. 十個頭兒 [shi2ge0tou2er0], adv., (coll.) very, extremely: 天氣十個頭兒的冷 bitterly cold.8. 十胡 [shi2hu2], n., name of card game (also wr. 十湖).9. 十進法 [shi2jin4fa3], n., the decimal system; the metric system.10. 十錦 [shi2jin3], adj., (dish) garnished with various ingredients: 十錦大鍋 casserole with different meat and vegetable contents.11. 十惡 [shi2e4], n., (1) the ten cardinal sins; (2) (law) 十惡不赦 formerly, ten unpardonable crimes, including rebellion and other not well-defined items, as lack of filial piety, of harmony in family relationships, lack of righteousness, of humanity, etc.; beyond redemption.12. 十項運動 [shi2xiang1yUn4dong4], n., decathlon.13. 十足 [shi2zu2], adj., hundred percent (pleased, arrogant, etc.): 十足赤金 24-karat gold; 十足洋奴 completely denationalized person, subservient to foreigners.14. 十字(兒) [shi2zi4] ([shi2ze4er0]), n. & adj., cross-shaped like letter +:十字架 the Christian cross; 十字街 or 街口 crossroads; 十字軍 the Crusades; 十字火 cross fire; 紅十字會 the Red Cross.15. 十姊妹 [shi2zi3mei4], n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of small singing birds, Uroloncha domestica; (2) (bot.) a plant of rose family, Rosa multiflora; (3) certain sisterhoods of Kwangtung, in which girls prefer independent work and pledge never to marry.16. 十月 [shi2yUe4], n., October; 十月革命 [shi2yUe4ge2ming4], October Revolution (the Russian Revolution in 1917).十[shí](ㄕˊ)1.数目,九加一后所得 ten; number obtained by adding one to nine另见 数字 shùzì 2.表示达到顶点 topmost; highest:十足 100 per cent; complete; full十分 very; fully; completely; extremely; utterly十成 100 per cent相关词组百十 | 合十 | 画十字 | 二十八宿 | 二十四史 | 二十五史 | 红十字会 | 七十二行 | 五光十色 | 一暴十寒 | 一目十行 | 百儿八十 | 七老八十 | 一五一十 | 以一当十 | 二十四节气 | 黄道十二宫 | 板板六十四 | 三百六十行 | 三一三十一 | 八九不离十 | 五十步笑百步 | 不管三七二十一十方 | 十分 | 十锦 | 十全 | 十一 | 十足 | 十二分 | 十番乐 | 十进制 | 十三点 | 十三经 | 十三辙 | 十字架 | 十八罗汉 | 十不闲儿 | 十冬腊月 | 十恶不赦 | 十二指肠 | 十拿九稳 | 十全十美 | 十室九空 | 十四行诗 | 十万火急 | 十月革命 | 十指连心 | 十字街头 | 十字路口 | 十八般武艺 | 十年九不遇 | 十万八千里 | 十目所视,十手所指 | 十年树木,百年树人十a.ten十(的),十个(的)decadal十的;十个构成一组的;十年间的denary十的;十进的;十倍的n.decade十;十个构成的一组ten十;十个(人或物)phr.both hands十十1. ten十deca十deka双向☞十--十个一组--十进位双向☞十进-- 十--十数群双向☞十数群--十--十进双向☞十--十进制的十[shí]数ten♦ ~倍 ten times; tenfold形topmost♦ ~成 100 per cent




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