单词 | 医 |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞醫医 yīI b.f.1) doctor (of medicine) (医师, 医生)2) medical science/service; medicine (医学)II v.cure; treat医生医不了他的病。 Doctors cannot cure him.医yīmedicalmedicinedoctorto cureto treat医 n. 参见:医生[yīshēng]中医 doctor of traditional Chinese medicine西医 doctor of Western medicine军医 army doctor牙医 dentist兽医 veterinary surgeon延医 send for a doctor参见:医学[yīxué]中医 traditional Chinese medicine西医 Western medicine学医 study medicine v. 参见:医治[yīzhì]就医 receive medical treatment有病要医。 If you are ill you should seek treatment.他医好了我的病。 He cured me of my illness.医 yī 名 (医生) doctor; physician: 军医 medical officer; surgeon; 开业行医 practice as a doctor; 巫医 witch doctor; 延医 send for a doctor; 解放前农村缺医少药。 Before liberation there were few doctors and little medicine in the countryside. 她得到良医的治疗。 She is attended by a good doctor. (医学) medical science (service); medicine: 送医送药到山寨 take medicine and medical service to mountain villages; 行医 practise medicine; 医用温度计 clinical thermometer; 他是学医的。 He is a student of medicine. 动 (医治) cure; treat: 把他的病医好 cure him of his illness; 给人医病 give sb. medical treatment; 一种新药医好了她的病。 She was cured with a new medicine. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞毉林语堂☞醫医[yī](ㄧ)(醫、毉)1.医生 doctor (of medicine):军医 medical officer; army doctor; army surgeon牙医 dentist延医诊治 call in a doctor for diagnosis and treatment 2.医学 medicine; medical science:中医 traditional Chinese medicine西医 Western medicine医科 medical courses in general; medicine他是学医的。He majors in medicine. 3.医治 cure; treat:把我的病医好了 cure me of my illness头痛医头,脚痛医脚,不是根本办法。It's not the essential way to treat the head when the head aches and treat the foot when the foot hurts.相关词组藏医 | 法医 | 国医 | 行医 | 就医 | 军医 | 留医 | 儒医 | 神医 | 世医 | 兽医 | 太医 | 投医 | 西医 | 新医 | 牙医 | 庸医 | 中医 | 法医学 | 赤脚医生 | 全科医师 | 剜肉医疮 | 保外就医 | 讳疾忌医 | 头痛医头,脚痛医脚医道 | 医德 | 医护 | 医家 | 医科 | 医理 | 医疗 | 医生 | 医师 | 医士 | 医书 | 医术 | 医务 | 医学 | 医药 | 医院 | 医治 | 医嘱医vt.pedicure医(脚),修(脚)医1. a doctor, physician, or surgeon2. that of a doctor's profession3. to treat or cure医[yī]名1. doctor (of medicine)♦ 边远农村缺~少药。 Remote rural areas are short of doctors and medicine.2. medical science; medical service; medicine♦ 她是学~的。 She studies medicine.♦ ~用温度计 clinical thermometer动cure; treat♦ 给牧民~病 give medical treatment to herdsmen♦ 把他的病~好 cure him of his illness |
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