

单词 匍匐
释义 匍匐1. to creep2. to grovel匍匐 púfúsyn. 匍伏匍匐púfúto crawlto creep匍匐爬行to crawl匍匐前进 creep forward趴to lie prostrate匍匐在地上 lie prostrate on the ground匍匐在...面前 lie prostrate in front of匍匐植物 creeper匍匐 pú fú (爬行) crawl; creep:  匍匐前进 crawl forward (趴) lie prostrate; lie prone:  匍匐在主子脚下 prostrate oneself before one's master 匍匐冰草 quackgrass; dog grass; radix graminis; 匍匐刺柏 waukegan juniper; 匍匐地上芽植物 chamaephyta reptantia; 匍匐风铃草 rampion; rover bellflower; 匍匐过江藤 lawn plant; 匍匐花葱 American great valerian; abscess-root; 匍匐筋骨草 bugle; 匍匐茎 stolon; 匍匐菌丝 stolon; 匍匐盘 {无脊椎} creeping disk; 匍匐栽培 prostrate culture; 匍匐植物 creeper匍匐 [pu2fu2], v.i., crawl (AC var. 匍伏);匍匐[pú fú]1.爬行 crawl; creep:匍匐前进 crawl forward匍匐奔丧(形容匆忙奔丧)hasten home for the funeral 2.趴 lie prostrate; lie prone:孩子们匍匐在炕上画画儿。Children lay prostrate on the brick bed drawing pictures.有些植物的茎匍匐在地面上。Some plants have trailing (or creeping) stems.匍匐a.reptant【植】匍匐的depressed【动】扁平的,阔的;【植】扁平的;平卧的,匍匐的reptile爬行动物(似)的;爬行的;匍匐的quadrupedal匍匐的,爬行的groveling匍匐的,爬行的decumbent俯伏的,匍匐的procumbent【植】爬地的,匍匐的,平铺的n.decumbence俯伏,匍匐vi.CREEP爬行,匍匐(植物)匍匐,蔓生grovel匍匐,趴;奴颜婢膝匍匐1. to crawl; to creep2. to grovel; to lie prostrate匍匐(又作‘匍伏’)1. crawl; creep♦ ~前进 crawl forward2. (of plants) grow along the ground; creep; trail♦ 有些植物的茎~在地面上。 Some plants have trailing (or creeping) stems.~茎 [植]stolon~植物 [植]creeper英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Ereptation英華☞All-fours英華☞Groveling英華☞CREEPING英華☞Grabble英華☞GROVEL英華☞CRAWL英華☞CREEP英華☞FALL英華☞FOUR英華☞GO




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