

释义 包1. package2. parcel3. to carter4. to wrap5. to contain包 bāoI v.1) wrap2) surround; encircle; envelop3) undertake the whole thing4) assure; guaranteeII n.1) bundle; package2) bag; sack3) protuberance; swelling4) SurnameIII b.f.include; contain (包括)IV m.for objects in bundles/packages/etc.包Bāosurname Baobāoto coverto wrapto holdto includeto take charge ofto contract (to or for)packagewrappercontainerbagto hold or embracebundlepacketCL:个[gè],只[zhī]包 n. 包好的东西parcel把衣服扎个包 put clothes into a bundle把棉花装成包 pack cotton into parcels参见:包子装东西的口袋bag书包 schoolbag女式手提包 handbag急救包 first-aid kit鼓起的疙瘩lump长了个包 have a lump头上碰了个包 get a bump on one's head树干上有个大包。 There's a lump on the tree trunk.圆顶帐篷yurt蒙古包 Mongolian yurt measure word used for wrapped up or packaged objects一包书 parcel of books一包衣服 bundle of clothes一大包棉花 bale of cotton两包大米 two bags of rice v. 裹住wrap包饺子 make dumplings把买来的东西包起来 wrap up purchased items用纸包书 wrap a book in paper用头巾包头 tie a headscarf around one's head包上铁皮 wrap in a sheet of iron包铝 coat in aluminium把孩子包在襁褓里 wrap a child in swaddling clothes参见:包抄[bāochāo];包围[bāowéi]参见:包罗[bāoluó]无所不包 all-encompassing负责完成to be contracted包教 contracted to teach包运货物 be contracted to deliver goods参见:包管[bāoguǎn]包用三年的表 watch with a three-year guarantee包你没错。 I guarantee it's right.包你满意。 Satisfaction guaranteed.租用to hire(Britain); to rent(US)包一辆汽车 hire a car包一条游船 charter a pleasure boat包一节车厢 hire a carriage包一间房间 hire a room包 bāo 动 (用纸、布等裹) wrap:  把东西包起来 wrap things up;  包饺子 make jiaozi (dumplings);  包书皮 put a jacket (cover) on a book;  用布把伤口包起来。 Use a cloth to wrap up the wound.  纸包不住火。 You can't wrap fire in paper. (围绕; 包围) surround; encircle; envelop:  从两边包过去 surround from both sides;  浓雾包住了群山。 The hills were enveloped in dense fog. (容纳在里头; 总括在一起) include; contain:  无所不包 all-inclusive; all-embracing (全部承担) undertake the whole thing:  这件事包在我身上。 I shall take full charge of the matter.  这事由我包了吧。 Just leave it all to me. (担保) assure; guarantee:  包你满意。 You'll like it; I assure you.  包你没错。 You can rest assured. (约定专用) hire; charter:  包了一只船 hire (charter) a boat;  我们学校为那次旅行包了三辆公共汽车。 Our school chartered three buses for the trip. 名 (包好了的东西) bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel:  邮包 postal parcel (packet);  炸药包 pack of dynamite; explosive package (装东西的袋) bag; sack:  手提包 handbag; bag;  书包 satchel; school bag (物体或身体上鼓起的疙瘩) protuberance; swelling; lump:  胳膊上起了个包 have a swelling in the arm;  脑门子上碰了个包 have (get) a bump on one's forehead;  树干上有个大包。 There is a big protuberance on the trunk. (毡制的圆顶帐篷) yurt:  蒙古包 Mongolian yurt (姓氏) a surname:  包拯 Bao Zheng 量 (用于成包的东西) bale; box; bundle; package; pack; packet; sack:  一大包衣服 a big bundle of clothes;  一包棉纱 a bale of cotton yarn;  一包毛巾 a package of towels;  一包香烟 a packet (pack) of cigarettes;  两包大米 two sacks of rice;  两包糖 two bags of sugar;  一包火柴 a box of matches 包包 1346C45  92.70  部居  畫數 5ㄅㄠ [bao1] N.(1)  Package, bag, any soft container: 一包米,一包糖 a bag of rice, sugar (also [bao1er0]);皮包,錢包,荷包 wallet;書包 package of books;紅包 gift for children, servants, etc., esp. gift for bribery;門 包 52B.00 formerly, gift for gatekeeper;包裹,包袱 [bao1guo3], [bao1fu0]↓.(2)  A bun: 菜包 a bun stuffed with vegetables;肉包 a bun stuffed with meat;湯包 a bun with meat and gravy.(3)  A surname.V.t.(1)  To wrap up: 包上,包起來.(2)  To include: 包這個在內 include this item, esp. 包括 [bao1guo4]↓.(3)  To surround, esp. 包圍,包抄 [bao1wei2], [bao1chao1]↓;to shelter and protect: 包庇 [bao1bi4]↓.(4)  To cover and hide: 包藏禍心 entertain rebellious schemes in mind.(5)  To pay an inclusive price for s.t., to hire for period of time: 包月 hire by the month;包車,船,飛機 engage car, charter boat, airplane;包妓 keep a prostitute as mistress for a period;包飯 offer board at definite price for month, etc.;包租 rent house with privilege of subletting;包稅 pay sum for levies to government and then collect from taxpayers;包攬 [bao1lan3]↓.(6)  To guarantee: 包換,包退 guarantee change of article or refund if unsatisfactory;包銷 guarantee purchase of specified amount;包辦 [bao1ban4]↓;包醫,包治 guarantee cure.Words1. 包辦 [bao1ban4], v.t., (1) take over, be responsible for, be entrusted with: 這事由我包辦 I will be responsible; 包辦筵席 cater to dinners; (2) to monopolize (opportunity, field of work).2. 包庇 [bao1bi4], v.t., shelter s.o. for wrongdoing.3. 包抄 [bao1chao1], v.t., outflank (enemy) and attack.4. 包封 [bao1feng1], v.t, to seal (package).5. 包袱 [bao1fu0], n., cloth bag containing clothing, etc. in travel; 掉包袱 [diao4bao1fu0], (communist phr.) cast away burden of past habits of thinking; n., 包袱底兒 n., the bottom of the bag: (a) a person's secrets; n., (b) the most precious, usu. untouched possession of the family (also 包袱皮兒); (c) 抖露包袱底兒 show one's best act in performance, usu. reserved for the last.6. 包管 [bao1guan3], v.i., guarantee, assure: 包管沒錯,成功,無事 I guarantee it's all right, it will succeed, there will be no trouble; 包管來回兒(Peking coll.) guarantee satisfaction or exchange of article purchased.7. 包工 [bao1gong1], n., contract for labor; 包工制,包工活 [bao1gong1zhi4], [bao1gong1huo2], piece-work basis, such contracted work.8. 包括 [bao1guo4] ([bao1gua1]), v.t., include.9. 包裹 [bao1guo3], v.t. & n., parcel.10. 包穀 [bao1gu3], n., maize.11. 包含 [bao1han2]1, v.t., include.12. 包涵 [bao1han2]2, v.t., be lenient toward mistake (請你包涵); v.t., 包涵兒 [bao1han2er0], n., (coll.) a small flaw:只有家貧是個小包涵兒 my fault is that we are poor.13. 包荒 [bao1huang1], v.i., (LL, rare) shut eyes to filth, faults, i.e., be generous.14. 包活 [bao1huo2], n., see [bao1gong1]↑.15. 包紮 [bao1zha2], v.t., to tie up (a bundle); to bandage.16. 包腳 [bao1jiao3], v.i. & n., bind foot, footbinding (usu. 纏腳 [chan2jiao3]).17. 包莖 [bao1jing4], n., prepuce.18. 包金 [bao1jin1], adj., covered with gold foil.19. 包裝 [bao1zhuang1]1, n., & t., packing, to pack.20. 包莊 [bao1zhuang1]2, v.i., to forfeit by paying for others’ loss at cards.21. 包兒 [bao1er0], n., (1) a package; (2) =包子 bun, see N.2↑; n., (3) 包兒米 [bao1er0mi3], n., maize.22. 包攬 [bao1lan3], v.t., in 包攬詞訟 act as shyster.23. 包羅 [bao1luo2], v.t., cover: 包羅萬象 (of great novel) cover and contain everything.24. 包票 [bao1piao4], n., certificate of guarantee.25. 包皮 [bao1pi2], n., outer skin, wrapper; prepuce: 包皮重量 chassis weight of car (also called 皮重).26. 包容 [bao1rong2], v.t., to forgive, pardon; see [bao1han2]2↑.27. 包廂 [bao1xiang1], n., box at theaters.28. 包探 [bao1tan4], n., detective.29. 包頭 [bao1tou2], n., turban; head of contracted labor;30. 包頭的 [bao1tou2de1], n., (a) female role played by actor (with turban for hair); (b) such hairdresser at theater; (c) name of city in Sueiyuan Province.31. 包圍 [bao1wei2], v.t., (1) to surround (enemy) attack; (2) to exert combined pressure on person.32. 包衣 [bao1yi1], n., (Manchu) boy servant.33. 包銀 [bao1yin2], n., actor's monthly wages.34. 包圓兒 [bao1yuarer0], v.i., buy the whole lot.35. 包運 [bao1yUn4], v.i. & n., transport, -ation.包[bāo](ㄅㄠ)1.用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来 wrap in paper, cloth or other thin material:包书 cover a book with paper; put a jacket (or cover) on a book包饺子 make jiaozi (dumplings)头上包着一条白毛巾 a white towel wrapped round one's head 2.(包儿 bāor)包好了的东西 bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel:药包 packet of medicine邮包 postal parcel打了个包 wrap things up in a bundle 3.装东西的口袋 bag; sack:书包 schoolbag病包儿 chronic invalid坏包儿 rascal; rogue淘气包儿 mischievous imp 4.〈量词 classifier〉用于成包的东西 package; bundle:两包大米 two sacks of rice一大包衣服 a big bundle of clothes 5.物体或身体上鼓起来的疙瘩 protuberance; swelling; lump:树干上有个大包。There is a big protuberance on the tree trunk.腿上起了个包 a swelling on the leg 6.毡制的圆顶帐篷 yurt; circular felt-covered tent over a collapsible frame:蒙古包 Mongolian yurt 7.围绕;包围 surround; encircle; envelop:火苗包住了锅台。The flames envelop the pot.骑兵分两路包过去。The cavalry outflanks the enemy on both sides. 8.容纳在里头;总括在一起 include; contain:包含 include包罗 embody无所不包 all-embracing 9.把整个任务承担下来,负责完成 undertake a task and assume full responsibility for it:包医 contract for full medical coverage包教 contract for all instruction包片儿(负责完成一定地段或范围的工作)contract for work in a certain locality or field 10.担保 assure; guarantee:包你没错。No problem at all, I assure you.包你满意。Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 11.约定专用 hire; charter:包车 hire (or charter) a car包场 book a whole theatre or cinema包了一只船 hire a boat 12.(Bāo) 姓 a surname相关词组敖包 | 背包 | 草包 | 承包 | 褡包 | 打包 | 掉包 | 豆包 | 发包 | 钢包 | 跟包 | 鼓包 | 荷包 | 红包 | 挎包 | 坤包 | 拎包 | 麻包 | 面包 | 脓包 | 皮包 | 蒲包 | 钱包 | 沙包 | 山包 | 烧包 | 手包 | 书包 | 套包 | 提包 | 调包 | 心包 | 熊包 | 腰包 | 衣包 | 邮包 | 背包袱 | 病包儿 | 放包袱 | 荷包蛋 | 黄包车 | 绞包针 | 空包弹 | 落包涵 | 面包车 | 面包圈 | 皮包骨 | 漆包线 | 软包装 | 纱包线 | 甩包袱 | 丝包线 | 土包子 | 卸包袱 | 硬包装 | 汉堡包 | 急救包 | 蒙古包 | 手提包 | 受气包 | 掏腰包 | 皮包公司 | 一包在内 | 胆大包天 | 狗胆包天 | 归里包堆 | 兼容并包包办 | 包庇 | 包藏 | 包产 | 包场 | 包抄 | 包车 | 包饭 | 包袱 | 包工 | 包公 | 包谷 | 包管 | 包裹 | 包含 | 包涵 | 包伙 | 包机 | 包剿 | 包金 | 包举 | 包括 | 包揽 | 包罗 | 包米 | 包赔 | 包皮 | 包票 | 包容 | 包探 | 包头 | 包围 | 包席 | 包厢 | 包销 | 包养 | 包银 | 包月 | 包孕 | 包蕴 | 包扎 | 包装 | 包子 | 包租 | 包背装 | 包乘制 | 包打听 | 包干儿 | 包身工 | 包围圈 | 包心菜 | 包圆儿 | 包藏祸心 | 包打天下 | 包袱底儿 | 包袱皮儿 | 包罗万象包n.pack包,包裹;背包;(降落)伞包包(指包装货物的计量单位,各种货物包装量的标准不一,如羊毛以240磅为一包)package(中、小型的)包裹,包;〈美〉小包,小袋,小盒budget〈方〉包,皮包,钱包;包里的东西port(购物)包bundle捆,束,包【纺】小包(纱线的计量单位,一小包等于20亨克);【印】捆,包(纸的数量单位,两令为一捆)packet【计】包,信息包,数据包COD〈古〉袋子,包jellyfish〈口〉软弱无用的人,软蛋, 包envelopment包,裹;封fardel包,捆,扎bindle包,袋wrappage包;裹;围vt.wind包;裹;拥抱;〈废〉编织CAP(用保护物资)包(牙)wrap包;裹;包扎;缠绕fold包;裹bundle捆,束,包;把…扎成一捆(或一包)charter包,租(飞机、公共汽车等)drape(以打褶的布或其他织物)披在…上;悬挂在…上;装饰;包,裹sheathe包;覆盖enwrap包,裹;围绕enwind缠,绕;包,卷包1. to wrap (up)2. a package; a parcel3. a bag; a sack4. inclusive5. to include6. to undertake; to assume responsibility for包hull双向☞包--捆--贝尔(重量或体积单位)双向☞捆--贝尔(重量或体积单位)--包双向☞组件--套装软件--程序包双向☞堆焊--重叠--重复占位双向☞块--区分--部分矿区双向☞封包--数据包--包双向☞铺--包--进程分段双向☞缠绕--包--绕线双向☞包--容器--盒双向☞外套--罩--包双向☞块--束--包双向☞捆--束--包双向☞搪--衬--包双向☞袋--箱--包双向☞鞘--包--膜双向☞包--紧缩双向☞包装--包双向☞包--件双向☞包--捆双向☞包--束包[bāo]动1. wrap♦ 把东西~起来 wrap things up♦ ~书 wrap up a book in a piece of paper; put a jacket (or cover) on a book♦ ~饺子 make jiaozi (dumplings)2. surround; encircle; envelop♦ 浓雾~住了群山。 The hills were enveloped in dense fog.3. include; contain♦ 包含 4. undertake the whole thing♦ 这事~在我身上。 Just leave it all to me.5. assure; guarantee♦ ~你满意。 You'll like it, I assure you. or Satisfaction guaranteed.6. hire; charter♦ ~一只船 hire (or charter) a boat♦ ~三桌酒席 reserve three banquet tables名1. bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel♦ 邮包 2. bag; sack♦ 书包 3. protuberance; swelling; lump♦ 脑门上碰了个~ have (or get) a bump on one's forehead♦ 腿上起了个~ have a swelling in the leg4. yurt量package; bundle♦ 一大~衣服 a big bundle of clothes♦ 一~香烟 a packet (or pack) of cigarettes




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