

单词 勤务
释义 文馨英漢☞勤務勤务 qínwù1) service; daily duties2) noncombatant service勤务qínwùservicedutiesan orderly (military)勤务公共事务service村里的青壮年都担任了建水库的勤务。 All the young adults in the village have taken on the duty of constructing the reservoir.军队中的勤杂工作non-combatant service执行勤务 carry out one's duties勤务值班 be on duty后方勤务 rear service指人orderly勤务 qín wù duty; service:  野战勤务 field service 勤务兵 orderly; 勤务波道 service channel; 勤务电话 talk-back; 勤务公司 service volume; 勤务空间 {航空} service volume; 勤务训练 service training; 勤务员 odd-jobman; servant; 勤务印章 duty plate勤务[qín wù]1.公家分派的公共事务 duty; service; public service assigned by an organization 2.军队中专门做杂务工作的人 orderly; person who does odd jobs in an army勤务n.service兵役;[the service](海、陆、空)军;勤务(部队)勤务1. duty; service国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞保养--营运--飞航勤务1. (public) duties; service2. a person who does logistic duties




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