

释义 勝1. victory2. beautiful scenery3. to win4. to triumph林语堂林语堂★◀▶勝勝 713A35  42A.50-1  部居  畫數 12ㄕㄥˋ [sheng4]  (*ㄕㄥ [sheng1] ).N.(1)  Victory: 勝利 [sheng4li4], 勝負,勝敗 [sheng4fu4], [sheng4bai4]↓;戰勝,得勝 win victory, to triumph;大勝 a great victory;制勝 to hold superiority or advantage;勝利沖昏頭腦 to be dizzy with success.(2)  Scenic view: 尋幽覽勝 visit places of scenic beauty.(3)  A woman's hairdress: 方勝,春勝 formerly, slanting hair decorations.V.t. & adj.(1)  To excel, be better than: 勝過,勝利 [sheng4guo4], [sheng4shi4]↓;勝於 [sheng4yU0]↓.(2)  (* [sheng1]) To be competent, able to bear: 勝任 [sheng4ren4]↓;esp. 不勝 extremely, unbearably: 不勝感激,悲痛 extremely grateful, grieved;不勝其煩 extremely difficult or trouble-some;不可勝數 innumerable;指不勝屈 more than one can count on one's hand;小別勝新婚 a brief parting is as sweet as honeymoon.Adj.(1)  Triumphant.(2)  Excellent, distinctive: 勝地 [sheng4di4]↓;勝會 [sheng4hui4]↓;勝友 distinguished friends;勝遊 a glorious outing or trip.Words1. 勝敗 [sheng4bai4], n., victory and defeat.2. 勝朝 [sheng4chao2], n., the defunct dynasty.3. 勝地 [sheng4di4], n., a divine spot; a place of glorious views.4. 勝負 [sheng4fu4], n., victory or defeat: 決勝負 decide victory; 勝負未卜 cannot predict winner.5. 勝概 [sheng4gai4], n., an overwhelming emotion.6. 勝冠 *[sheng1guan1], phr., (AC of children) to reach puberty.7. 勝過 [sheng4guo4], v.i., to excel, be better than (person, thing).8. 勝國 [sheng4guo2], n., the conquered nation or (defunct) dynasty.9. 勝會 [sheng4hui4], n., a great, festive occasion.10. 勝 [sheng4ji1], n., (LL) places of historic interest.11. 勝家(兒) [sheng4jia1] ([er0]), n., (gambling) the winner; Singer (sewing machine).12. 勝利 [sheng4li4], n., victory, triumph.13. 勝任 *[sheng1ren4], adj., competent: 勝任愉快 very competent at a job.14. 勝如 [sheng4ru2], adj., see [sheng4shi4]↓.15. 勝似 [sheng4shi4], adj., (esp. MC or poetic) better than, also as good as (seeing you in person, etc.).16. 勝算 [sheng4suan4], n., a good plan, sure of success: 可操勝算 can be sure of success.17. 勝訴 [sheng4su4], v.i., to win lawsuit; n., favorable decision at court trial.18. 勝衣 *[sheng1yi1], v.i., (AC of child) be big enough to wear a formal dress: 弱不勝衣 (gen. of a woman) very delicate.19. 勝義 [sheng4yi4], n., (Budd.) higher understanding of truth.20. 勝於 [sheng4yU0], adj., better than: 聊勝於無 better than nothing; 勝於常人 better than average person.勝 [sheng4ji1], n., (LL) places of historic interest.




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