

释义 動1. act2. alter3. motion4. to use5. to move林语堂林语堂★◀▶動動 1194A55  90S.50-9  部居  畫數 11ㄉㄨㄥˋ [dong4] N.Movement, action: 行動 activity, conduct;舉動 a man's movements, deportment;一舉一動 every movement (is watched, etc.);運動 physical exercise, athletics, sports, (political, literary) movement;波動 fluctuation (of prices), wave motion.V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., to move: 別動 don't move (before camera);動不得 must not move, touch;不能動 cannot move;站立不動 stand still;搖動 swing (as branch), falter (in opinion);移動 move to another place;流動 flux, flow;震動 shake up, quake, vibrate, -tion.(2)  V.t., to take up, usu. with idea of starting action: 動干戈,動兵 take up arms, mobilize army;動槍刀 fight with weapons;動筷子 take up chopsticks, begin eating;動刑 start to use torture;動手 [dong4shou3]↓;動手動腳 be fresh with girl, make motions to start a fight;動兇,動粗,動武,動土 [dong4xiong1], [dong4cu1], [dong4wu3], [dong4tu3]↓.(3)  To move, stir, arouse, excite: 不為所動 be not swayed (by speech) or attracted (by beauty);無動於中 be completely indifferent;感動 to inspire, feel touched or influenced;動淫心 arouse sexual desire;動疑心 arouse suspicion;動起公憤 arouse public wrath;動起念頭 put idea in one's head, start and idea;動腦筋 do a lot of thinking;動火,動氣 [dong4huo3], [dong4qi4]↓.Adj.Active, dynamic: 動的 dynamic;動的美 dynamic beauty;動態 [dong4tai4], 動力 [dong4li4]↓;動人 attractive, touching, moving;動目 good-looking, attractive, exciting in appearance.Words1. 動不動 [dong4bu2dong4], adv., at every move, on every occasion or pretext.2. 動產 [dong4chan3], n., movable property, movables, opp. 不動產 real property.3. 動輒 [dong4che4], adv., at every move: 動輒得罪 (咎) blamed for every move.4. 動氣 [dong4qi4], v.i., get angry.5. 動情 [dong4qing2], v.i., feel at tracted, enamored.6. 動電 [dong4dian4], n., dynamic electricity.7. 動滑車 [dong4hua2che1], n., movable pulley.8. 動火 [dong4huo3], v.i., feel angry; start fighting.9. 動機 [dong4ji1], n., motive (of action).10. 動靜 [dong4jing4], n., (1) news of action: 這事一直沒有動靜 no news of it so far; (2) noise, stir: 沒有絲毫動靜 not the slightest stir.11. 動量 [dong4liang4], n., (phys.) momentum.12. 動力 [dong4li4], n., motive power; 動力學 dynamics.13. 動亂 [dong4luan4], n., social or political turmoil.14. 動 (的) 美 [dong4](-dih)[mei3], n., dynamic beauty.15. 動脈 [dong4mo4], n., artery, opp. 靜脈 vein; 動脈硬化症 arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries; 動脈瘤 aneurysm.16. 動目 [dong4mu4], adj., good to look at, attracting attention.17. 動能 [dong4neng2], n., kinetic energy.18. 動怒 [dong4nu4], v.i., be angry.19. 動人 [dong4ren2], adj., very moving (play, story), touching.20. 動容 [dong4rong2], v.i., visibly touched; change countenance.21. 動身 [dong4shen1], v.i., begin journey.22. 動向 [dong4xiang4], n., trend, tendency, direction of movement.23. 動心 [dong4xin1], v.i., be moved (by attractive offer), sexually aroused, excited.24. 動手 [dong4shou3], v.i., (1) start work; (2) raise hand to fight.25. 動兇 [dong4xiong1], v.i., resort to violence.26. 動態 [dong4tai4], n., general trend of affairs, general activities.27. 動彈 [dong4tan0], v.i., move: 不能動彈 cannot move at all (sick person).28. 動聽 [dong4ting1], adj., (speech) moving, persuasive.29. 動粗 [dong4cu1], v.i., resort to violence.30. 動詞 [dong4ci2], n., verb: 他動詞 transitive vb.; 自動詞 intransitive vb.; 自動詞 auxiliary vb.31. 動土 [dong4tu3], v.i., break ground.32. 動作 [dong4zuo4], n. & v.i., action; work, move: 不能動作 cannot work.33. 動問 [dong4wen4], v.i., proffer question.34. 動物 [dong4wu4], n., animal: 動物界 animal kingdom; 動物園 zoological garden; 動物學 zoology.35. 動武 [dong4wu3], v.i., resort to violence, fisticuffs.36. 動搖 [dong4yao2], v.i., shake, falter in belief.37. 動議 [dong4yi4], v.i., to move (in assembly); n., such motion, suggestion.38. 動員 [dong4yUan2], n. & v.i., mobilize, -ation.39. 動用 [dong4yong4], v.t., touch, draw upon (funds): 動用公款 (illegally) draw upon public funds.動 (的) 美 [dong4](-dih)[mei3], n., dynamic beauty.




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