

释义 文馨英漢☞勁ABCABC★◀▶劲 jìn1) vigor; energy; strength; interest (劲儿, 使劲)2) air; manner; expression (闯劲)劲 jìngstrong; powerful; sturdy (强劲)劲jìnstrengthenergyenthusiasmspiritmoodexpressioninterestCL:把[bǎ]Taiwan pr. [jing4]jìngstalwartsturdystrongpowerful劲 n. 力气strength手劲很大 strong grip用一把劲 use one's strength再加一把劲 put one's back into it全身没劲 one's whole body feels weak感到浑身是劲 feel invigorated all over参见:劲头神情manner一股高兴劲儿 cheerful manner兴趣fun下棋有什么劲! What's so fun about chess!劲 jìng 形 (坚强有力; 刚强) strong; powerful; sturdy:  劲松 sturdy pines;  强劲 powerful; forceful;  疾风知劲草。 The strong wind reveals the strength of the grass. 另见 jìn。 2) 劲(勁、劤) jìn 名 (力量; 力气) strength; energy:  用劲 put forth strength;  搬这些家具费了很大劲。 It took a lot of energy to move the furniture.  顶住当局的压力花了很大的劲。 It took great strength to resist the pressure of the authorities.  加把劲, 不然你要落后了。 Put on a spurt, or you'll fall behind.  她仿佛有使不完的劲。 She seems to have inexhaustible energy.; She's a live wire.  我烧是退了, 可是身上还是没劲儿。 My temperature is down, but I'm still feeling weak. (精神; 情绪) vigour; spirit; drive; zeal:  保持革命战争时期的那么一股劲 maintain the same vigour as in the years of revolutionary war;  干得非常起劲 work with unusual vigour; work with great zeal;  他跟我别着劲哪! 能听我的吗? How can you expect him to listen to me, when he's still in a huff with me?  我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头苦干的劲儿。 I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit. (神情; 态度) air; manner; expression:  瞧他那高 兴劲儿。 See how happy he looks.  你这骄傲劲儿得好好改改。 You've got to get rid of your arrogant ways. (趣味) interest; relish; gusto:  下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球吧。 Playing (at) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis. 另见 jìng。劲[jìn](ㄐㄧㄣˋ)(勁、劤)1.(劲儿 jìnr)力气 strength; energy:用劲 use more strength手劲儿 strength of one's hand 2.(劲儿 jìnr)精神;情绪 vigour; spirit; drive; zeal:鼓足干劲,力争上游 go all out, and aim high我就喜欢青年人的那股冲(chòng)劲儿。I like the vigour young people display. 3.(劲儿 jìnr)神情;态度 air; manner; expression:瞧他那股骄傲劲儿。Just look at his arrogant expression. 4.趣味 interest; relish; gusto:下棋没劲,不如打球去。Playing chess is not as fun as playing basketball.另见 jìng劲[jìng](ㄐㄧㄥˋ)(勁)坚强有力 strong; powerful; sturdy:强劲 strong刚劲 bold; sturdy疾风劲草。Sturdy grass withstands high winds.另见 jìn相关词组绷劲 | 苍劲 | 差劲 | 吃劲 | 闯劲 | 带劲 | 得劲 | 对劲 | 费劲 | 干劲 | 刚劲 | 鼓劲 | 后劲 | 虎劲 | 加劲 | 犟劲 | 脚劲 | 叫劲 | 较劲 | 来劲 | 卖劲 | 蛮劲 | 没劲 | 牛劲 | 起劲 | 强劲 | 遒劲 | 韧劲 | 上劲 | 使劲 | 松劲 | 下劲 | 泄劲 | 心劲 | 雄劲 | 用劲 | 有劲 | 摽劲儿 | 冲劲儿 | 醋劲儿 | 寸劲儿 | 动劲儿 | 够劲儿 | 铆劲儿 | 猛劲儿 | 碰劲儿 | 巧劲儿 | 清劲风 | 傻劲儿 | 死劲儿 | 不得劲 | 不对劲 | 疾风劲草 | 一个劲儿 | 一股劲儿劲拔 | 劲敌 | 劲歌 | 劲旅 | 劲升 | 劲头 | 劲舞劲n.ambition(干)劲;活动的愿望劲1. strong; powerful; sturdy\\jing\\ㄐㄧㄥˋ\\1·strength; energy; vigor2. air; manner; expression3. interest; relish; gusto; mood劲[jìn]名1. strength; energy♦ 他~儿大。 He has great strength.♦ 这酒~儿大。 This liquor is quite strong.♦ 我烧是退了, 可身上还是没~儿。 My temperature is down, but I'm still feeling weak.2. vigour; spirit; drive; zeal♦ 他跟我别着~哪!能听我的吗? How can you expect him to listen to me, when he's still in a huff with me?3. air; manner; expression♦ 你这骄傲~儿得好好改改。 You've got to get rid of your arrogant ways.♦ 瞧他那高兴~儿。 See how happy he looks.4. interest; relish; gusto♦ 打扑克没~, 咱们去游泳吧。 Playing cards is no fun; let's go swimming.另见 jìng劲[jìng]形strong; powerful; sturdy♦ ~松 sturdy pines另见 jìn




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