

单词 助长
释义 文馨英漢☞助長助长 zhùzhǎngfoment; encourage; abet优越的生活环境助长了他的娇气。 His superior living conditions abet his arrogance.助长zhùzhǎngto encourageto fosterto foment助长to increase助长声势 increase momentum助长新战争的危险 increase the danger of a new war助长 zhù zhǎng encourage; abet; foster; foment; promote the development of; indulge; give a loose rein to (sth. bad):  助长犯罪 furtherance of offence;  助长歪风邪气 encourage evil trends;  缺乏了解助长两国之间的仇意。 The lack of understanding fosters feelings of hatred between the two nations. 助长剂 growth regulator; {化} growth substance; 助长素 auxon助长[zhù zhǎng]帮助增长(多指坏的方面 oft. derog.)encourage; abet; put a premium on:姑息迁就,势必助长不良风气的蔓延。Overindulgence or being too accommodating encourages evil tendencies.助长a.conducive有助的,有益的,助长的 (to)n.facilitation【心】【生理】助长;促进fosterage促进,鼓励,助长vt.help对…有帮助;助长,促进;对…有好处(或用处)forward促进,助长;加速…的生长feed维持;增长,助长;加深(恶感等)encourage促进,助长;激发facilitate促进;助长(反应、功效等)foster培养,促进,鼓励,助长;(环境)对(人、动植物等)有利nourish培育,助长;供给;支持;鼓励further促进,推进,助长hypo刺激;助长;增进phr.put a premium on刺激,促进;助长助长1. [Derogatory] to give a loose rein to; to foster; to put (or offer, place) a premium on; to further; to encourage双向☞前向的--助长--正向的双向☞助长--促进--鼓励助长贬 encourage; abet; foster; foment♦ ~侵略者的野心 whet the ambitions of the aggressors♦ ~歪风邪气 encourage the evil trends




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