

单词 助力
释义 助力1. assistance2. help助力 zhùlìhelp; assistance助力zhùlìa helping handhelpassistance助力assistance在困难中,他曾给过我很大的助力。 He once gave me a helping hand when I was in a difficult situation.助力 [zhu4li4], n., help, a helping hand.助力[zhù lì]1.帮助 help; assist:他对于促进双方的协作助力不少。He is of much help to promoting cooperation between the two sides. 2.帮助的力量 help:别人的鼓励是一种助力,别人的批评也是一种助力。Someone else's encouragement is a help, and so is his criticism.助力a.power-assisted利用动力(帮助手动操作)的,带助力器的;助力的,加力的n.power-assistance(协助手动操作的)助力,加力;助力器,助力设备助力helping force双向☞增压--助力助力a helping hand; help; assistance英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Co-operation英華☞COÖPERATION英華☞Furtherance英華☞ASSISTANCE英華☞CONTRIBUTE英華☞ENFORCE




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