

单词 动身
释义 文馨英漢☞動身动身 dòngshēnleave on a journey你什么时候动身? When are you leaving?动身dòngshēnto go on a journeyto leave动身to set out动身回国 leave for one's home country乘夜车动身 set off on the overnight train提前动身 set out earlier than planned动身 dòng shēn go on a journey; begin a journey; depart; set out on a journey; leave (for a distant place):  动身回家 depart for home;  动身起程 set out for the journey;  我明天动身去北京。 I'll leave for Beijing tomorrow.  如果你许可, 我立即就动身。 In case you give me leave, I will start at once.  早饭后我们立即动身了。 We got off immediately after breakfast. 动身[dòng shēn] 启程;出发 go (or set out) on a journey; leave (for a distant place); set off:行李都打好了,明天早上就动身。We've already packed and will leave tomorrow morning.动身a.waygoing出发的,动身的;离开的n.waygoing出发,动身;离开START出发,动身,启程;出发时间;出发地点vi.START开始走;出发,动身,启程remove〈诗〉离开,离去;动身WAG〈英口〉离开;动身Sally动身;外出,出发旅行(或远足)phr.fare forth动身,出发hit the grit动身,出发hit the road〈美口〉启程;动身shove it〈口〉动身,离开trot along动身,出发动身1. to set out; to start; to go forth; to make one's way; to get off动身go (or set out) on a journey; leave (for a distant place)♦ 行李都打好了, 我们明天早上就~。 We've already packed and will leave tomorrow morning.




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