

释义 文馨英漢☞動动 dòng1) move我拿不动。 I can't carry it.2) act; get moving3) change只要动一个字这句话就通了。 Just change one word and the sentence will read smoothly.4) use5) arouse动dòng(of sth) to moveto set in movementto displaceto touchto make use ofto stir (emotions)to alterabbr. for 动词[dòng cí], verb动 v. 活动to move躲在那儿一动不动 motionlessly hiding there机器不动了。 The machine isn't moving.请你坐着别动。 Please sit still.站住,不准动! Stop right there – don't move a muscle!别动!谁动打死谁! Freeze! Whoever moves, dies!移动to change the position of something这东西我动都没有动过。 I never touched it.参见:动作只要大家动起来,事情就好办。 It will be easier if everybody acts together.参见:动用[dòngyòng]动棍子 use a truncheon触动to affect动了公愤 stir up public anger不为诱惑所动 not succumb to temptation感动to touch动人心弦的歌声 moving voice吃;喝<方>to eat; to drink不动荤腥 never touch meat or fish不动酒 never drink alcohol adv. 常常easily观众动以万计。 Audiences easily numbered in the tens of thousands.动 dòng 动 (改变原来的位置或脱离静止状态) move; stir:  不许动! 否则就开枪了。 Don't move, or I'll shoot.  微风吹动树叶。 A breeze stirred the leaves.  这东西一个人拿不动。 No one can carry that single-handed. (行动) act; get moving:  不要轻举妄动。 Don't make a rash act.  群众普遍地动起来了。 The masses all got moving. (改变事物原来的位置或样子) change; alter:  这句话只要动一两个字就顺了。 Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly. (使用; 动用) use:  动脑筋 use one's head;  先不要动那笔钱。 Don't use (spend) the sum of money now. (触动) touch; arouse:  动肝火 flare up;  动感情 be carried away by emotion; get worked up;  动了公愤 have aroused public indignation (感动) move; touch (one's heart):  不为甜言蜜语所动 not to be swayed by fine words;  动人肺腑 touch one's heartstrings  (方) (多用于否定式: 吃) eat or drink:  不动荤腥 never touch meat or fish; be vegetarian 名 (动作) movement; action:  一举一动 every movement (act) 副 (动不动; 常常) frequently; easily; at every turn:  动辄得咎 (罪) be blamed for every move 动[dòng](ㄉㄨㄥˋ)(動)1.(事物)改变原来位置或脱离静止状态(跟‘静’相对 as opposed to‘still’)move; stir; change the place or position of sth.:流动 flow风吹草动。The grass sways as the wind rises.你坐着别动。Sit there and don't move.这东西一个人拿不动。No one can move that single-handedly. 2.动作;行动 act; get moving:轻举妄动 act rashly一举一动 every act and every move只要大家动起来,什么事都能办。Anything can be achieved with our joint efforts. 3.改变(事物)原来的位置或样子 change; alter; shift:搬动 move挪动 shift改动 change动用 employ兴师动众 arouse the masses (to do sth.) 4.使用;使起作用 use; make use of:动笔 take up the pen动手 start work动脑筋 use one's head 5.触动(思想感情)touch (one's heart); arouse; provoke:动心 be touched; be moved动怒 lose one's temper动了公愤 incur public indignation 6.感动 move; touch:这出戏演得很动人。This play is touching. 7.〈方 dial.〉吃;喝(多用于否定式 usu. in the negative)eat or drink:这病不宜动荤腥。Consumption of meat and fish is not advisable for those with this illness.他向来不动酒。He doesn't drink. 8.动不动;常常 easily; frequently; usually; tend to:动辄得咎 be liable to accusation no matter what one does影片一经上演,观众动以万计。Immediately after its release, the film drew audiences of tens of thousands.相关词组摆动 | 暴动 | 被动 | 变动 | 波动 | 搏动 | 簸动 | 策动 | 颤动 | 冲动 | 出动 | 搐动 | 触动 | 传动 | 蠢动 | 从动 | 打动 | 带动 | 地动 | 电动 | 抖动 | 发动 | 翻动 | 反动 | 浮动 | 改动 | 感动 | 更动 | 鼓动 | 滚动 | 撼动 | 行动 | 轰动 | 哄动 | 互动 | 滑动 | 晃动 | 挥动 | 活动 | 机动 | 激动 | 搅动 | 惊动 | 举动 | 开动 | 拉动 | 劳动 | 雷动 | 联动 | 撩动 | 流动 | 律动 | 脉动 | 盲动 | 萌动 | 能动 | 挪动 | 飘动 | 平动 | 启动 | 牵动 | 倾动 | 扰动 | 嚅动 | 蠕动 | 骚动 | 煽动 | 扇动 | 生动 | 松动 | 耸动 | 胎动 | 挑动 | 调动 | 跳动 | 推动 | 妄动 | 舞动 | 翕动 | 噏动 | 响动 | 摇动 | 一动 | 移动 | 引动 | 运动 | 攒动 | 躁动 | 振动 | 震动 | 主动 | 转动 | 自动 | 走动 | 被动式 | 别动队 | 不动产 | 传动带 | 大动脉 | 地动仪 | 电动机 | 电动势 | 多动症 | 发动机 | 反动派 | 肺动脉 | 活动家 | 劳动布 | 劳动节 | 劳动力 | 劳动日 | 劳动者 | 小动作 | 原动机 | 原动力 | 运动场 | 运动会 | 运动量 | 运动学 | 运动员 | 运动战 | 制动器 | 主动脉 | 助动词 | 自动化 | 自动炮 | 自动线 | 总动员 | 半自动 | 活劳动 | 死劳动 | 不动声色 | 大动干戈 | 浮动汇率 | 滚动轴承 | 劳动保护 | 劳动保险 | 劳动对象 | 劳动改造 | 劳动教养 | 劳动模范 | 劳动强度 | 劳动手段 | 劳动条件 | 劳动资料 | 流动资产 | 流动资金 | 无动于衷 | 移动电话 | 移动通信 | 运动健将 | 运动神经 | 主动脉弓 | 自动步枪 | 自动扶梯 | 自动控制 | 自动铅笔 | 半劳动力 | 扁形动物 | 变温动物 | 哺乳动物 | 低等动物 | 飞潜动植 | 高等动物 | 冠状动脉 | 规定动作 | 撼天动地 | 恒温动物 | 环节动物 | 棘皮动物 | 脊索动物 | 脊椎动物 | 甲壳动物 | 节肢动物 | 惊天动地 | 惊心动魄 | 劳师动众 | 冷血动物 | 两栖动物 | 爬行动物 | 腔肠动物 | 全劳动力 | 热血动物 | 蠕形动物 | 软体动物 | 三维动画 | 温血动物 | 线形动物 | 兴师动众 | 原生动物 | 原索动物 | 自选动作 | 按兵不动 | 必要劳动 | 变速运动 | 抽象劳动 | 蠢蠢欲动 | 登山运动 | 垫上运动 | 风吹草动 | 复杂劳动 | 雇佣劳动 | 机械运动 | 极限运动 | 技巧运动 | 简单劳动 | 健美运动 | 具体劳动 | 雷打不动 | 民族运动 | 脑力劳动 | 启蒙运动 | 轻举妄动 | 全能运动 | 群众运动 | 社会活动 | 剩余劳动 | 水上运动 | 太阳活动 | 体力劳动 | 体育运动 | 田径运动 | 纹丝不动 | 闻风而动 | 五卅运动 | 五四运动 | 物化劳动 | 匀速运动 | 劳动生产率 | 自动柜员机 | 自动取款机 | 磁盘驱动器 | 国际劳动节 | 候风地动仪 | 喷气发动机 | 无脊椎动物 | 五一劳动节 | 主观能动性 | 新文化运动 | 太岁头上动土 | 低级神经活动 | 高级神经活动 | 社会必要劳动 | 一二·九运动 | 自由落体运动 | 牵一发而动全身 | 奥林匹克运动会动笔 | 动兵 | 动产 | 动词 | 动弹 | 动荡 | 动感 | 动工 | 动换 | 动火 | 动机 | 动静 | 动力 | 动量 | 动乱 | 动轮 | 动脉 | 动能 | 动怒 | 动气 | 动迁 | 动情 | 动人 | 动容 | 动身 | 动手 | 动态 | 动听 | 动土 | 动问 | 动武 | 动物 | 动向 | 动销 | 动心 | 动刑 | 动摇 | 动议 | 动因 | 动用 | 动员 | 动辄 | 动嘴 | 动作 | 动不动 | 动肝火 | 动滑轮 | 动画片 | 动劲儿 | 动力机 | 动脉弓 | 动摩擦 | 动物学 | 动物油 | 动物园 | 动作片 | 动画片儿 | 动脉硬化 | 动能武器 | 动人心弦 | 动物纤维 | 动眼神经 | 动辄得咎 | 动脉粥样硬化动a.Mobile(可)动的;移动式的;活动的motional动的;运动的;移动的n.move动;动作;移动movement动;摇动,摆动;走动;行进;运行;运动motion动;运动;移动emotion〈废〉动;骚动vi.move改变位置,改变姿势,动vt.move改变…的位置,动;移动,搬动;使松动动1. to make a movement2. to get moving3. to alter a part; to change a part (of)4. to stir emotionally5. to touch国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞运动--动动[dòng]动1. move; stir♦ 他扭了腰, ~不了。 He's strained his back and can't move.♦ 微风吹~树叶。 A breeze stirred the leaves.2. act; get moving♦ 经过动员, 群众普遍地~起来了。 After the mobilization meetings, the masses all got moving.3. change; alter♦ 这句话只要~一两个字就顺了。 Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly.4. use♦ ~脑筋 use one's head5. touch (one's heart); arouse♦ ~了公愤 have aroused public indignation♦ ~感情 be carried away by emotion; get worked up♦ 不为甜言蜜语所~ not be swayed by fine words6. 方 (usu. used in the negative) eat or drink♦ 不~荤腥 never touch meat or fish; be a vegetarian




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