

单词 务实
释义 文馨英漢☞務實务实 wùshíI v.1) try to be practical/pragmatic2) deal with concrete mattersII n.pragmatism务实wùshípragmaticdealing with concrete issues务实从事具体的工作;讨论具体的工作to deal with concrete matters; to discuss concrete matters讲究实际to be pragmatic务实的人 pragmatic person务实 wù shí deal with concrete matters relating to work 务实派 the group of doing concrete matters; 务实作风 practical style of work务实[wù shí]1.从事或讨论具体的工作 deal with concrete matters relating to work 2.讲究实际,不求浮华 be pragmatic务实a.down-to-earth现实的;务实的;实际的务实1. to deal with concrete matters relating to work; to strive for thoroughness2. pragmatism3. pragmatic务实deal with concrete matters relating to work; be pragmatic♦ ~的政府 a pragmatically-inclined government




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