

单词 加快
释义 加快1. to speed up加快 jiākuàispeed up; accelerate我们需要加快工作进度。 We need to accelerate our work.加快jiākuàito accelerateto speed up加快参见:加速[jiāsù]加快脚步 quicken one's stride加快速度 speed up办理改乘快车手续to exchange a slow train ticket for an express one加快 jiā kuài quicken; speed up; accelerate; pick up speed; starting:  加快步子 quicken one's step;  加快改革 accelerate the reform;  加快金融改革 speed up the financial reform;  加快实现四个现代化的步伐 speed up the tempo of the four modernizations;  加快建设步伐 speed the construction pace;  加快社会主义建设的速度 quicken the tempo of socialist construction;  我请他们加快发货速度。 I asked them to speed the delivery up. 加快速度 pick(-)up speed; 加快旋转 spin-up加快[jiā kuài]1.使变得更快 accelerate; quicken; speed up; become quicker:加快建设进度 accelerate the construction他加快了步子,走到队伍的前面。He quickened his steps until he found himself walking in the van of the contingent. 2.铁路部门指持有慢车车票的旅客办理手续后改乘快车 passenger holding a slow train ticket changes to an express train after going through necessary formalities加快a.accelerated加快的;提早的ad.stretto加快地,快速地n.acceleration加快,增速;促进vi.hot〈口〉变得激动起来;变得活跃起来;变得危险起来;加剧;加快(up)accelerate加快,增速quicken加快vt.urge使加快,使加速jazz使加快accelerate使加快,使增速hurry使赶紧;使加快;催促quicken加快swiften(使)快速进行,加快phr.spin up【天】(恒星、行星等)加快自旋;加快(自旋)step on it加快,赶快加快1. to accelerate; to speed up; to quicken; to step up; to expedite国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞加快的--活泼的--加快加快quicken; speed up; accelerate; pick up speed♦ ~步子 quicken one's steps♦ ~改革 expedite reform英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞ACCELERATE




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