

单词 加固
释义 加固 jiāgùreinforce; consolidate为了安全,大门必须加固。 For safety reasons, the gate must be reinforced.加固jiāgùto reinforce (a structure)to strengthen加固to reinforce用植树的方法来加固河堤 plant trees to strengthen the river banks双面加固 reinforce on both sides加固 jiā gù reinforce; consolidate; fasten; rooting; strenthening; backing; stiffening 加固边缘 strengthened edge; 加固材料 reinforcement material; 加固层 back-up coat; 加固杆 reinforced pole; 加固工事 improve defense works; 加固构架 bracing frame; 加固构件 strengthening member; 加固结构 reinforced structure; 加固连接线 {地质} tie line; 加固评价 evaluation of hardness; 加固圈 fixing collar; heel ring; reinforcing ring; 加固砂轮 reinforced grinding wheel; 加固树脂 fortified resins; 加固陶瓷层 reinforced ceramic coating; 加固堤坝 reinforce dikes and dams; 加固土 compacted soil; 加固支架 {矿} reinforced liner; 加固轴套 stiffening sleeve加固[jiā gù] 使建筑物等坚固 reinforce; consolidate:加固堤坝 strengthen the dam (dyke)加固楼房 reinforce a building加固a.renewed换新的;补缀的;补充的;加固的;重新装满的hardened变硬的,硬化的;坚固的;加固的n.upgrade升级;上升;提高品级,提高标准;加浓;加固;精选renewal换新;补缀;补充;加固;重新装满reinforcement增援;增强,加强;加固,补强;强化vt.reinforce加固,补强renew补缀;补充;加固,加强;再装满brace支撑;加固;使绷紧clamp(用夹具等)夹紧;夹住,固定;加固bolster(用支撑物)支撑,支承,加固加固1. to reinforce; to consolidate; to brace; to bolster ... up; to guy2. reinforcement双向☞加强件--加固--补强双向☞加强物--钢筋--补强双向☞加固--增强--加强双向☞加强--加固--上坡双向☞加强--加固--强化双向☞压实--固结--合并双向☞求根--扎根--加强双向☞加固--稠化--硬双向☞加固--加强双向☞压实--加固加固reinforce; consolidate♦ ~堤坝 reinforce dykes and dams♦ ~工事 improve defence works英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞Afforce




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