

单词 力争
释义 文馨英漢☞力爭力争 lìzhēng1) work hard for; do all one can to2) argue strongly; contend vigorously力争lìzhēngto work hard forto do all one canto contend strongly力争极力争取to strive力争第一 strive for first place力争主动 take the initiative我们要力争农业生产逐年有所增长 we must strive for growth in agricultural production year on year极力争辩to argue strongly据理力争 argue strongly on reasonable grounds力争 lì zhēng (极力争取) work hard for; do all one can to:  力争主动 do all one can to gain the initiative (极力争辩) argue strongly; contend vigorously:  据理力争 argue strongly on just grounds; put up strong arguments 力争[lì zhēng]1.极力争取 strive for; strive to; work hard for; do all one can to:力争上游 strive for the best力争超额完成生产任务 do all one can to overfulfil the production plan 2.极力争辩 argue strongly; contend vigorously:据理力争 persistently reason things out力争vi.strike〈美〉【军】努力工作,力争strive努力,奋斗;力争,力求fend〈英方〉努力;力争agonize苦斗,力争phr.drive at朝着…努力,力争力争1. to work hard for; to do all one can to; to aim2. to argue strongly; to fend力争1. work hard for; do all one can to♦ ~主动 do all one can to gain the initiative♦ ~少花钱, 多办事 strive by every means to spend less and accomplish more2. argue strongly; contend vigorously




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